Lauren Boebert and Kid Rock could be the perfect Maga power couple

Photo illustration by Emma Spainhoward. Photos by Brit Worgan and Daniel Boczarski about Getty.

Now that Kimberly Guilfoyle and Don Jr. have separated (with Trump, which she emits to Greece as the new ambassador), Maga needs romance. On Tuesday, page six earlier from TMZ agreed that Colorado’s congress member was seen during the first celebration for President Trump with Kid Rock with Kid Rock – and claims that the couple left a party at 2:30 a.m. While page six was not able to confirm a relationship with Boebert’s employees (“I think we will survive,” her spokesman for the column told the column), it is somehow that Boebert is a fan of white rappers from Detroit that composed it Once a rap homage to Eminem. (Reports that Kid Rock is engaged to someone else? There are options – the USA currently has no ambassador in Tanzania.)

Washington Loves the idea of ​​this potential mating so much that we have created six reasons why you are the perfect power couple for this era in DC.

You are hot in a regionally specific way

Boebert is according to the standards of the official Washington. Only a few of their contemporaries on the Capitol Hill were able to pull off a tribe tattoo that covers a quarter of their body or a tropical holster. In the more than 25 years since then Teufel without causeKid Rock has improved his dirtbag style in Detroit: he carried a backward fedora to the White House and rocked an American flag poncho when he played the Super Bowl.

You can get crunk while playing your grandchildren

AWW! Boebert (38) and Kid Rock (54) are both super young grandparents. Boebert has a toddler and Kid Rocks granddaughter is about ten years old. It works great. The children can play together, while the grandparents “try out different things” and “smoke funny things” and “sing all summer over the sweet at home Alabama” or whatever Kid Rock likes to do.

You are both in the arts

In September 2023, Boebert – the campaign manager described as the “supporter of the performing arts” – was brought out of a denver performance by Denver Käferjuice: The musical According to reports, “caused a disorder”. Your campaign first told that Denver post That she had only “enthusiastically enjoyed” the performance – but enthusiastic pleasure, as shown in a leaked surveillance video, seemed to contain the blowing of Vape clouds in the air, to dance in her seat (although it was not asked ) and committed in behavior that politico described sexually sexually sexually “during the show. When the security she out of the theater, Boebert has reportedly dropped a place in the place. It was a great advertising for Touring production!

And Kid Rock? The rapper would be happy to make inexpensive concert tickets to make his shows more accessible.

They share the unlikely political ambitions

Despite (or maybe because of?) Her loud political fatty, wild quotes and occasional scandals won Boebert a few angered victories in her purple district in Colorado. (At the end of 2023 she left this district to run in a republican lifting on the other side of the state.) In the meantime, Kid Rock 2017 teased a run in the Senate and used its concert phases to develop what the Detroit is free The press, which is referred to as “theatrical, rhyming, profory -filled, blunt speech”, was with takedowns of “dead fathers” and single mothers who do not stop having children and athletes during the national anthem and the KKK. He also has larger ambitions in Schweber and announced to a lot “if” Kid Rock for Senate “put people on disorder” until they hear “Kid Rock for President of the USA”! “(Later, after the Federal Election Commission had received a complaint that the rapper had not registered as a candidate or report contributions, Kid Rock claimed that everything was a stunt to advertise his album.)

You have a right new restaurant each

Before her career in the middle of life in the congress, Lauren Boebert had a restaurant with firearms in the city of – that is literally true – Rifle, Colorado. At Shooters Grill, Tequila shots could be followed with a “Swiss & Wesson” burger or a “blocked n ‘loaded” nachos. According to reports, the employees were encouraged to open weapons at work. And it is cismet that Kid Rock is also a restaurateur. He is the owner of the Big Ass Honky Tonk & Rock ‘N’ Roll Steakhouse of the Nashville Establish Establish Kid Rock, which is known to remain rude against Covid restrictions and the stage on which Kid Rock once proposed that Oprah suggested perform an anatomically unclear act.

You can both be spirited in public

Do you remember when Boebert Joe Biden hecked when he spoke about his son’s death? Or Kid Rock’s fight in a waffle house? Would it be responsible to put so much Trump 2 energy in one place ??? Absolutely not, that’s why we are here.

Sylvie McNamaraSylvie McNamara

Senior editor

Andrew Beaujon joined Washington At the end of 2014. He was previously at the Poynter Institute,, and Washington City Paper. He lives in del Ray.

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