Let Ke Huy Quan play a villain if he wants

Playing against type doesn’t always work. Some actors cannot be separated from the people they are or the types of roles they play. That’s why Jared Leto only plays horror. Every Arnold Schwarzenegger character comes from Austria, even if he claims otherwise. Dwayne The Rock Johnson can’t play anyone with fewer than fifteen shirt pockets. These are the rules, but they are meant to be broken. Many actors have played against type with phenomenal results.

Dave Bautista has practically made a career out of playing against type. The big, strong man played…big, strong men, but some were gentler or more subtle and didn’t rely on their strength. Leslie Nielsen had an entire career of “regular” performances before turning to comedy and experiencing a resurgence. Liam Neeson has followed a similar path, so it makes sense that he would star in a remake of Nielsen’s most memorable film (no, not). Dracula is dead and loves it but I would look into that). So if Ke Huy Quan wants to play against type, give the man a chance!

Quan was a child star who appeared in films such as The Goonies And Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Then his film career dried up, but not of his own free will. He remained loyal to the industry, choreographing stunts and fights for various productions and working behind the scenes in other capacities. However, Quan was cast as the main character Everything everywhere at onceHe won an Oscar for his performance and is back on the big screen, baby!

Quan’s acting career has now found a second life. He appeared in the second season of Loki and will star in the upcoming action comedy Love hurtsand has no plans to stop there. However, he has some ideas about what the next chapter should look like. “I would love to play a villain. Like a Bond villain. Or something like Hugh Grant does Heretic” the actor recently told Empire. “I want to step out of my comfort zone and just play this diabolical, really bad guy. That would be a lot of fun.” Yes, please!

Not only has Ke Huy Quan played nice guys for the most part, they are also often meek and, dare I say it, mousy. He’s a skilled martial artist and can believably dispatch unsuspecting fools, but his beautiful smile and big heart are always at the forefront and have been for decades. A sinister threat emanating from Quan’s charming demeanor (or seeing him abandon that demeanor altogether) would be very special and particularly threatening. And maybe he wants something less action-heavy.

“I don’t want to be perceived as an action star,” Quan noted. “I hope that I am perceived as an actor who can act well. So I’ll take it step by step. The best thing about being an actor is that you can play a wide variety of characters. I love (Lokis) Ouroboros because it is so different from (Everything everywhere at once) Waymond, and Waymond is so different from (Love hurts‘) Marvin Gable.” I want everything (everywhere at once) for Quan, whatever he wants. If he wants to play a menacing villain who barely lifts a finger, let him! It’s going to be scary as hell!

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