Marianne Faithful died at the age of 78 when pour in tribute | Celebrity messages | Showbiz & TV

Marianne Faithful died at the age of 78, said her spokesman. According to reports, the singer and actress was reported by her family in her house in London when she died.

In an explanation in which death was announced, it says: “With deep sadness, we announce the death of the singer, songwriter and actress Marianne Faithful.

“Marianne died peacefully in London today accompanied by her loving family. She will be missing very much.”

The star was best known for its 60s goal when the tears pass. In addition to her music career, Faithful also played in films such as The Girl on a motorcycle and theater productions.

In the 1960s she was also the girlfriend of the front man of Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger. They were known as the “IT” structure of British music.

They met when Marianne was only 17 years old, but it was not until 1966 that when she was 20 years old, she and Jagger began to meet.

However, her love story was spoiled by infidelity and drug abuse, with the Affair of Faithful with “Paddy” Rossmore at the end of her relationship – after being switched on and off for four years.

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