Mickey17 is a PitchDarke science fiction comedy inReview

After the strong turn of Toni Collette as an ambitious prosecutor in Clint Eastwoods Juror #2The 52-year-old Australian actor is now taking another dimension in Bong Joon-Hoe’s film. Mickey 17 – Literally in space.

Collette plays the powerful Yifa, married to Mark Ruffalo’s Böhne Despot and failed politician Kenneth Marshall. It is really the one who pulls the strings while slipping a plan to not only accompany so -called expendables in 2054, but also to duplicate them or to print them up when they enable things.

Robert Pattinson’s Mickey is on site as a Mickey 17, the 17th incarnation of Mickey Barnes, who had been lured into a bad investment on earth. As an escape agent, he had registered for the expedition to the distant planet Niflheim, where Marshall and Yifa intend to form a colony that works like a religious sect. He is commissioned to do fatal jobs, falls in love with the crew member in Nasha (Naomi Ackie) and is finally printed as a Mickey 18.

The science fiction film based on Edward Ashtons 2022 novel Mickey7The first film by the South Korean director Bong has been marked since 2019 Cannes and Oscar winner parasite. The Hollywood reporter it calls it a “poisching comedy about colonization”.

After the most recent world premiere of the film in London, Mickey 17 At the Berlin Film Festival, Collette showed that she had agreed to make the film with Bong before reading the script.

“I’ve never done that in my life, but when this guy calls you, you just say yes,” she said, before admitting that she would never read a fantasy novel. “Bong is a real original, a real author, a visionary, an incredible guide, but an even better employee. It’s fun. He is compassionate and generous and treats everyone with respect. You feel so trustworthy and that is a really good feeling. “

“It will be nice in your face and hits you in the stomach.”

In history, Collets Lady Macbeth-like Yifa, who has been created for the film, is a hardened killer.

“I think she is the smiling assassin, everything is very presenting,” commented Collette at the London premiere of the film. “She will be nice in your face and then hit you in the stomach. It is a total control freak, a complete manipulator. “

Instead of trying to help people like managers should, Yifa is obsessed with things like sauces for food, as well as her husband.

“It is such a main priority, and it says so much about her privilege and position because they are such narcissists and so elitist,” said Collette in Berlin. “I think everyone else on the ship probably has a toothbrush, but I (Yifa) brought the whole house with me and I focus on all luxury bodies in life. Sauces are on the top. “

Collette and Ruffalo both have large hair and large dental grin and it is difficult not to compare Marshall with Donald Trump. But Bong insists that he was inspired by dictators from the past.

“I had some people I took as a reference, like bad Korean politicians or other politicians, but at the moment no actual politicians,” he commented.

Ruffalo, 57, spoke at the London premiere, found that the film is “so relevant for today”, even though it was shot at the end of 2022. “We waited so long that this film comes out. It’s so crazy and crazy. “

The complacent couple from Collette and Ruffalo has a distance for people who are not married. She loved working with Luffalo.

“I had been a fan of him for so many years and had just worked with him and got to know him – he is the funniest man on the planet and had me in Stitches every day,” said Collette. “I completely adore him.”

Ruffalo added: “These two people are in love as deeply as everyone else. They are Romeo and Julia, but the really bad versions. (Working with) Toni is like going to heaven and working with an angel. She is one of the greatest actresses ever decorated on the screen. “

Collette told the British channel Weegie that Bong had helped them build their relationship on the screen.

“They are a nightmare couple, but they are really cute together. They are completely in love and cannot stop touching each other. In fact, was the original direction we got from Bong,: “Can you feel that they were in bed together or just jumping to bed together?” They are complete narcissist and live in a bladder that everyone else is on the ship. “

The 38 -year -old British actor Pattinson, who plays Mickey, said Bong was on his bucket list of directors with whom he was supposed to work with acting. As with Collette and other actors, Pattinson said yes before knew what the film was. “Everyone only wants experience,” he summarized.

Bong, who also led Okja, snow piercer And The host, was initially attracted to the concept of human pressure in Ashton’s novel.

“It is a concept that does not work (in the film) and at the same time very tragic and funny. When I thought of Robert Pattinson and knew that I would end it endlessly, I thought he was very printable, ”said Bong.

“I will take it as a compliment,” replied a smiling Pattinson on Bong in Berlin. “It was a fascinating experience to play towards the film. Of course you do half of it and then the other half and just hope that it fits together. It was fascinating to see the end product.

“I think there is a little moving with Mickey, where he tries to process what he is and what he is made of. At the same time, he has a kind of relationship with all his previous self. When Mickey 18 comes, he has to put up with the fact that this other itself is part of him and that they have also died. He has to find out why he is the one who survives.

“Although the film is co -coach in this comedic, type of Farcical World, it is with a question that most people have to deal with in one place or another if they have to do with a kind of traumatic event – or just to live and ask yourself why I exist?”

Mickey 17 Opened in cinemas on March 6th National.

Helen Barlow is a local Australian freelance journalist and critic. In 2019 she received La Plume d’Or for her services to the French cinema.

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