Moriary’s return is worth waiting

The following contains spoilers of Watson Season 1, Episode 7, “Teeth Marks”, which debut on CBS on Sunday, March 23. It also contains a mention of suicide.

Watson In season 1, Episode 7, for the first time since the series premiere, the big bad James Moriarty of the show shows. When his central (but reluctant) ally Shinwell Johnson is almost discovered, Moriarty turns to another team of John Watson with an eerie threat. His last strike on Watson has an interesting side effect because he also brings Sherlock Holmes back in a surprising way.

It was shocking enough that Moriarty survived his fight against Holmes, but this episode gives the greater picture of the show a few more surprises. In the meantime, Watson and his team treat a patient who literally cannot remember for more than three minutes. Add Watson’s declining health and this episode has a lot to offer.

Watson looks back James Moriarty to recruit a new ally

Shinwell Johnson’s betrayal costs a man his life

James Moriarty wears a green sweater in front of green bushes from the CBS TV show Watson
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Watson prescribes medicine in “Teeth Marks” in Shinwell Johnson’s name. Moriarty orders Johnson to switch off his medicine and replace her with the hallucinogenic drug Ibogaine. In contrast to the last time this happened, Watson became suspicious of Shinwell and orders Stephens Croft to test his pills. But when Johnson is about to be confessed, a PatSy appears WatsonThe ongoing history.

A pharmacist shines cryptically during his confession before dying from an overdose. In all that, Watson Makes a decent job that shows Johnson’s struggle for the betrayal of Watson. His attempt to admit seems overdue. Conversely, episode 7 proves that this version of Moriarty is the most powerful so far. Convincing a person to end their own lives while she blamed for something she has not done is not an easy task. This deepens the secret, while the series lets the tension around Johnson pull out.

John Watson (to Shinwell Johnson): Someone watches me. Someone who knows everything. There is only one person who could be. He lives, Shinwell. Moriarty lives.

Despite his guilt, Johnson wanted to take up the fault – provided Moriarty wanted his survival to keep secret. Instead, Moriary’s plan for revenge seems to reveal that he has not died. Apart from the fact that Moriarty is planning, the biggest open question of the show remains. In addition to switching off Watson’s medication, Johnson also gives “rehearsals” to him and his nameless agents. At the moment the less approach to the villains works, but the threat of Moriarty would have a greater influence if the audience would see him more than one scene in two episodes.


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Watson finally brings Sherlock Holmes to the screen – somehow

Watson hallucinated his friend to get more than a secret clarity

John Watson in a gray suit sits at his desk a Typerwriter with paper from the TV show Watson
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Sherlock Holmes is an iconic character that some compare with a superhero. Watson has not yet shown the advisory detective physically, but has been present in the show in other ways. As soon as he begins to take the Ibogaine, Watson first hears tribes of the violin, followed by the voice of his late friend. A good choice is audible with Holmes, since his relationship with Watson becomes more personal without committing to the character. Hearing his voice is a natural next step after Watson previously revealed his dynamics with Holmes in the season.

The voice of Sherlock Holmes is provided by the renowned British comic actor Matt Berry.

This version of John Watson behaves Sherlockisch when the personality of the character is usually so much different than Holmes. But this fits a story after Holmes’ death. Watson uses the deductions he learned and keeps his memory alive in his heart. The voice of Holmes also provides Watson information.

Another off-screen reason why this choice works is how popular Sherlock Holmes stays. As soon as he enters the story, he will dominate it. If Watson had physically seen Holmes, Holmes would have overshadowed the other characters. After Watson helps the medical secret of the episode to break the episode and distrust of Shinwell, his voice of history serves. How Watson His memory for the future will be interesting, especially now that Moriaries survival is outdoor.


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Watson’s week is descended into the background

Ginny’s story subtly emphasizes the patient’s advocacy and shows a painful truth

The title of the episode, “Teeth Marks”, refers to the case of the week. A woman named Ginny is desperate and claims that something is alive in her. She also suffers from recurring memory loss – and forgets where she is and what happened to her every three minutes. Watson finds out the cause of something that the hallucinatorial Holmes said to him. Ginly’s case is not unusual for the series, but it is a background act that does not quite combine with the character stories in the episode.

The cause of your problem is a real condition. Ovilizers are tumors that can form strange cell types including teeth. These tumors rarely and normally benign and cause many symptoms – as in even rarer cases, memory deficits. However, the type of memory loss -Ginny experience seems to be exaggerated for dramatic effects. It is also not completely explained how she knows about “the tact test”, which is used to detect cognitive impairments. While the medical cases in Watson They are not known for their accuracy or even the best -known story in a certain episode, which feels more incomplete than usual.

Ginny’s case has a greater narrative purpose: to reveal something that Watson didn’t know about his ex-wife Mary Morstan. Mary reacts emotionally to this case, which Watson first attributes to her memory of her grandmother, also Ginny (short for Virginia). Only when he hears Holmes’ voice one last time did he put them together. Ginny was also what they wanted to call their child. Watson left her to spend a year with Holmes without telling her and it destroyed her marriage. She tells him that shortly after his departure she discovered that she was pregnant and lost the baby. This also deserves more attention.


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Watson’s team gets more character development in Episode 7

Further revelations teased, which will come next for Watsons Protegés

Sasha Lubbock in a brown coat, which stands next to Ingrid Derian in a dark brown coat from CBS 'Watson
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Like the other doctor inspired by Sherlock, Gregory House, Watson has put together a team of Schützlingen and whoever they are as humans was another secret of the show. This episode is related to a more background role, but the spectators still learn new information about it. Sasha Lubbock reveals Ingrid Derian that she separated from her partner. Adams Croft mentions that he has a deal to write about the relationship between genetics and nutrition. The descent of the characters in the background for both the medical and character stories feels like regression – even if their common scenes increase their growing bond. You may not be friends, but you feel more comfortable than at the beginning of the series.

Derian is the most interesting of these characters, thanks to their double and manipulative nature – from lying to visiting restaurants to Lubbock to her sister to get into a medical process. It seemed possible that she also worked with Moriarty because she treated Watson for his TBI. The last scene of Episode 7 confirms this by showing Ingrid how he hit him. The implication of the scene is that the mysterious place on the Riverside, at which Derian ate 6, at Episode 6, ate her birthday, where a body was unloaded. Moriarty gives Derian a skeleton finger to prove that he has reclaimed these remains. He also tells her that he will call her again – probably as the highlight of his plan for Watson. It is an effective cliffhanger that promises exactly what fans need: more Moriarty if half of the first season develops.

Watson debut new episodes on Sunday at 9:00 p.m. on CBS.


Watson season 1, episode 7

Publication date

January 26, 2025


Craig Sweeny

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    Morris Chestnut

    Dr. John Watson

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Advantages and disadvantages

  • James Moriarty’s return was effective and overdue.
  • The narrative device of Watson’s auditorial hallucinations by Sherlock Holmes is wise and should possibly be continued.
  • The performances in this episode, especially Jan Kamars, were excellent.
  • The revelation of Mary Morstan’s miscarriage was rushed together with the rest of Ginny’s story.
  • After learning more about Watson’s team, their reduced roles in the episode were remarkable.
  • Moriaries Patsy and his death were deliberately mysterious, and felt more comfortable than shocking.

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