NBA -Panzer -Tracker: Where Raptors are in the design lottery

The NBA Draft Lottery gives the teams who end up with the worst records during the regular season.

The 14 non-playoff teams (or those who have acquired their picks) will cross their fingers during the lottery on May 12th in Chicago. The first round of the design takes place on June 25th.

Here you will find a look at the current overall ranking in the race for first -class opportunities, details for the lottery and the scores and future games that affect the teams at the end of the overall ranking.

* These picks are protected, which means that the teams keep the selection unless they fall below a certain number. Utah, Charlotte, Miami and Portland picks are 1-14, Washington 1-10 and Philadelphia 1-6.

• The opportunities for No. 1 selection are correct if there are no connections in the final overall ranking. If there are ties, the NBA carries out a tie breaker through a random drawing and the chances change slightly.

• The first four picks are determined by a drawing of balls. The Picks 5-14 are then determined by recording (the worst remaining record from 5).

• The Houston and Atlanta picks are based on the recording of the teams from which they have acquired the selection.

Results on Friday
Orlando 120, Washington 105
Minnesota 134, New Orleans 93
Oklahoma City 141, Charlotte 106
Houston 102, Miami 98
San Antonio 128, Philadelphia 120
Dallas 123, Detroit 117
Boston 121, Utah 99
Phoenix 123, Cleveland 112
Portland 128, Denver 109

Saturday games
Brooklyn in Indiana, 5 p.m.
Washington in New York, 8 p.m.
Milwaukee in Sacramento, 10 p.m.
Chicago in La Lakers, 10:30 p.m.

Sunday games
New Orleans in Detroit, 3 p.m.
Cleveland in Utah, 3:30 p.m.
Charlotte in Miami, 6 p.m.
San Antonio in Toronto, 6 p.m.
Boston in Portland, 6 p.m.
Philadelphia in Atlanta, 6 p.m.

Monday games
Toronto in Washington, 7 p.m.
Dallas in Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m.
Philadelphia in New Orleans, 8 p.m.
Chicago in Denver, 9 p.m.
Boston in Sacramento, 10 p.m.
Milwaukee in Phoenix, 10 p.m.

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