Nordkentucky -Kirchen combine to help the victims’ flood in the state

HELP. In the meantime, a few churches in the north of Kentucky have come together to offer the people in Hazard, Kentucky, relief again. Rachel Whalen spoke with managers about this project. And what exactly do these churches ask? You say that the need is cleaning of supplies. So think of pugs, brooms, buckets, clorox towels, paper towels and such things. And Cornerstone Christian Church here in Dayton, Kentucky, is one of the different churches that collect these objects. From Thursday. We have a wonderful country church here, and as soon as I publish the call, people began to say, what can we bring with us? What can we buy? What can we get? Answering the call almost 200 miles away. Cornerstone Christian Church, the first Baptist of Dayton and Visalia Baptist in Covington, collect all objects for victims of flood in Ostkentucky. In addition to cleaning agents, you ask for baby items such as formula and diapers as well as water and not perishable food. Reverend Ashley Beegle says you will only stop until it is full of God’s cargo truck. The last time we were down there, it literally turned my stomach when I saw some of these houses. They were destroyed. These people lose everything. In 2022 the same three churches made four trips to Hazard, Kentucky. Firefighters distributed £ 20,000 to the most needy. It made a big difference. These people are only average everyday worker. They don’t live in villas. It is a lot of people with very low incomes. When our neighbors ask for help again in our south, hesitated Reverend Beegle did not. These are our Kentuckians. And so we just want to help them all, we can ever meet them or not whether they see our face at all or who we are. It doesn’t matter. I couldn’t find it before. Yes, and we will have a complete list of these church addresses and the wear times on our website. I get in touch in Dayton, Kentucky. Rachel Wlwt News Five. So clearly many objects that are needed. But, Rachel, are there things, any objects that the church should not donate? YES. They say that they are holding out with clothing donations. They say that this is simply not a priority at the moment. And they take up a lot of space. However, you may have a clothing drive at some point.

Nordkentucky -Kirchen combine to help the victims’ flood in the state

Cornerstone Christian Church, first rabbit of Dayton and Visalia Baptist from Covington collect donations for victims of floods in Ostkentucky. Accidental donations include: cleaning agents (mops, brooms, buckets, etc.) Baby articles (Formula, diapers, etc.) Fanswaternon -perish Food Sacescash/Checkhe Rev. Ashley Beagle from Visalia Baptist said that his church had collected the same donations. These houses were destroyed. Firefighters used ATVs to distribute these supplies to people who live in difficulty. “It made a big difference. These people are only average everyday worker. They don’t live in villas. It is a lot very lower. Income people,” said Beagle. When his contacts in Hazard asked for help again, said Beagle, he did not hesitate, “These are our neighbors. How can we, how we ever meet them or not, whether they see our face or know who we are at all. “They emit the supplies in the following places at the following times: First Baptist of the Daytondayton Ave., Dayton, Kywednesdays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. or Sunday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pmcornerstone Christian Church139 8th Ave., Dayton Ky on Thursdays 11.-12. Church12062 Vise’s Trail Rd., Covington, Kysundays 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Cornerstone Christian Church, the first Baptist of Dayton and Visalia Baptist from Covington collect donations for victims of floods in Ostkentucky.

The acceptable donations include:

  • Cleaning agents (pug, brooms, buckets, etc.)
  • Baby articles (formula, diapers, etc.)
  • Fans
  • Water
  • Non -perishable food
  • Cash/check

Visalia Baptist’s Rev. Ashley Beagle said that his church collected the same donations when Kentucky was last flooded in 2022.

“The last time we were down there. In the truest sense of the word, it turned my stomach when I saw some of these houses; they were destroyed. These people lose everything,” said Beagle.

Reverend Beagle said that they had put four trips into danger, a total of £ 20,000 supplies. Firefighters used ATVs to distribute these supplies to people who live in difficult areas.

“It made a big difference. These people are only average, everyday workers. They do not live in villas. There are many people with low incomes,” said Beagle.

So Beagle said that he did not hesitate when his contacts in Hazard asked for help, they know whether we will ever meet them or not whether they see our face or know who we are, no matter. “

They drop the deliveries in the following locations at the following times:

First Baptist of Dayton

Dayton Ave., Dayton, Ky

Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. or Sundays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Cornerstone Christian church

139 8th Ave., Dayton Ky

Thursdays 11.12.12.: 45 a.m.

Visalia Baptist Church

12062 Vise’s Trail approx., Covington, Ky

Sundays 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

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