Parents ask teen to pay car expenses, so he decides to ride his bike and let them pay for everything themselves » TwistedSifter

Parents ask teen to pay car expenses, so he decides to ride his bike and let them pay for everything themselves » TwistedSifterParents ask teen to pay car expenses, so he decides to ride his bike and let them pay for everything themselves » TwistedSifter

Sometimes plans to teach responsibility can backfire.

So what would you do if your parents told you that even though they wanted you to drive, you would have to pay half the cost?

Would you accept the deal?

Or would you find a way to avoid the cost altogether?

In the following story, a teenager gets creative and surprises his parents.

Here’s how it went.

When I was about to get my driver’s license (in the USA), my parents sat me down.

They told me that when they got my driver’s license, they would expect me to pay half of my car expenses (specifically the car, insurance and gas).

The important thing to know here is that I knew how much they were looking forward to me getting my driver’s license.

At the time, both parents were working and they really liked the idea of ​​me running errands for them or picking up my younger sister from school, her clubs, or sporting events.

It didn’t take long for them to change their minds.

So I thought about it and then told them that I would get my driver’s license and then decide not to have my own car.

Since I played a lot of sports, I didn’t have time for a job most of the year, so I just rode my bike to where I needed to go.

They definitely weren’t expecting this and knew straight away that I was serious.

After all, until then the rule was that I cycled to and from my destination unless I arranged other rides.

I can’t remember how long they tried to wait me out, but I think it was later in the day when they came back and told me they were going to buy a car (a crappy one) and pay the cost (with some reasonable ones ). regulations).

These are negotiation skills!

Let’s see what Reddit readers have to say about it.

This person was deceived by his parents.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

As this person points out, when you’re 16 and don’t have a job, there’s no way you can keep up with those bills.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Not too shabby!

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

That was brilliant!

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

The parents should pay for the car.

If they want him to drive, there is no reason why they shouldn’t take financial responsibility.

If you thought this was an interesting story, check out this one about a man who created a point system for his inheritance and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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