Party City, Big Lots, Macy’s and Joann enter the last days of the completion of shop sales

Massive retail chains across the country enter into the end of their liquidation and sales from business, including Big Lots, Party City, Joann and Macy’s. Party City and Joann customers only have a few days to reach the discount, while Big Lots and Macy’s buyers are still able to get their solution at some remaining locations.

Big loose

Big Lots reported bankruptcy for Chapter 11 in September and the company later announced that all remaining business would hire. In December 2024, however, Big Lots completed a deal that would save hundreds of his business, Axios reported. The retailer still organizes a massive sale and offers 50-80% discount on the entire shop, and on his website it says: “Close all shops.”

Variant wholesalers, which operate Maxway and Rose discounts, will probably assume over 200 locations that will work under the name of the large plots, and two sales centers, according to Axios.

While Variety wholesale dealers save the locations, the status of Big Lots employees remains an option. A press release from the deal shows that “Variety wholesale dealers can use large loose employees in the acquired shops and sales centers as well as certain corporate employees who are required to support the Go-Forward footprint.

Big Lots Store in Los Angeles, California.

A big business in Los Angeles, California, USA, on Saturday, September 7, 2024. The retailer Big Lots is prepared for household goods for the registration of bankruptcy and plans to sell its branch chain through a court files, accor, accor, accor, accor, (Eric Thayer / Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)

America’s business winner and loser from 2024 unveiled


In February 2024, Macy’s announced his initiative “Bold New Chapter”, which the company’s CEO, Tony Spring, with the title “A Stark Call to Action”, to modernize the legendary department store chain. Almost a year later, in January 2025, Macy said that 66 “non-go-forward” appearances would close it. The company plans to concentrate on its locations of 350 “Go-Forward”.

“Closing a business is never easy, but as part of our bold new chapter strategy, we close the improductive MACY shops so that we concentrate our resources and invest in our shops – surrounding business in which customers can already positively react to better product offers and increased service,” said Spring in a statement in January 2025.

According to Axios in January, Macy’s began to share in January for some locations and February for others. The sales started in January should take 8-12 weeks, while the foreign wines started in February should take about six weeks.

Buyer penetrating shop

A buyer enters on Thursday, December 26, 2024, in Richmond, California, in a party city business. (David Paul Morris / Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)

Leasing contracts for almost 700 locations in the city city that have to be auctioned

Party town

Party City announced in December 2024 that it would hire all business over a year after the bankruptcy was given. The party’s retailer reported bankruptcy for the first time in January 2023, but was able to rise from bankruptcy defeat in September 2023. After 40 years in the business, however, chapter 11 was submitted again in December 2024.

“It is really important for you to know that we have done everything to try to avoid this result,” said Barry Litwin, CEO of Party City, to the employees during a call in December. “Unfortunately, it is necessary to start a Weddown process immediately.”

In a press release, the company said that the reason for its decision came after “exhaustive efforts” to find a way to remain open “in an immensely challenging environment, which is carried out, among other things, by inflation printing at costs and consumer expenditure.”

Customer in the Joanns Store

One customer enters on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, in a Joann business in El Cerrito, California, USA. (David Paul Morris / Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)

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When it entered the last two weeks of his sale, Party City announced that they had reduced prices by up to 80%and tried to get customers to buy their inventory. However, there does not seem to be a purchase option on his website.

Joann, a large trading chain, announced in February 2025 that his 800 shops would close and that the company’s 19,000 employees would leave without jobs without jobs.

“Since the board and management team became a private company in April, they have continued to do the top and lower initiatives to manage the costs and increase the value,” said Interim CEO Michael Prendergast in a press release.

The craft chain was founded in 1943 and started as a single business in Cleveland, Ohio. Joann went to the stock exchange in 1969 and was the largest retailer of its kind in the United States in 1998, reported Axios.

From now on, Joann offers up to 50% discount on his inventory and seems to sell article online.

Coresight Research, a research and consulting company that focuses on retail and technology, predicts that up to 15,000 shops in the USA could switch off this year, and more than twice the 7,325 US branches that were closed in 2024 in 2024, according to a press release distributed by business wir.

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