Peco customers to see that the electrical costs decrease, the natural gas costs increase

Use for a Peco customer. File photo.

Peco customers will find their electrical prices and a larger increase in their natural gas costs from March 1st, the company said.

For private individuals who use 700 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month, the monthly total calculation decreases by $ $ 143.89 to $ 143.56, a reduction of 0.23%.

The change is mainly due to a withdrawal of the generation fees, which according to Peco is passed on directly to customers by suppliers.

The fees for the generation of residential properties will decrease by 0.048 cents to 8.381 cents per kWh, which leads to a monthly fee of $ 58.67 for the typical living customer.

In small commercial customers who use 10,000 kWh per month, the generation fees will decrease by 1.166 cents to 7.170 cents per kWh, which leads to a monthly fee of $ 717 for the typical customer.

However, natural gas customers are increased.

Residential customers who use 80 CCF (a hundred cubic foot) per month will increase their monthly bill by $ 8.70, from USD 112.41 to $ 121.11, an increase of 7.74%.

Commercial customers who use 400 CCF per month will record an even larger increase. The monthly bill increases by $ 452.72 to $ 496.17, a jump of 9.60%.

Below you will find some energy -saving tips with which customers can effectively manage their heating costs:

• Keep your thermostat at 68 ° F or lower, since each degree can increase your heating costs by six to eight percent above this setting.

• Use and dress ceilings and dress warmly to reduce the need for higher thermostat settings.

• Remove the ceiling fans to implement warm air that rises to the ceiling.

• Isolate the windows with curtains during the night and open blinds during the day to capture sun heat.

More tips for energy -saving tips:


• Replace all light bulbs with LED or compact fluorescence bulbs.

• Always switch off the light in rooms that you do not use.

• Make sure that the lamps do not exceed the recommended performance that is specified on the light socket.

• Use a larger WatTagage instead of two smaller WatTag shines to obtain greater efficiency.

• opt for direct lighting (such as reading lamps) about light lighting of an entire room.

• Clean the light bulbs regularly to maintain optimal brightness.


• Use the air drying option on your dishwasher if available or open the door after the last sink cycle to dry the dishes.

• Only carry out the dishwasher and clothes yield when you are fully loaded.

• Keep your fridge and freezer full because it works more efficiently in full.

• Avoid the dryer and use the automatic setting if available. Dry loads in a row to use the residual heat.

• Clean the lint filter in your dryer between the loads.

• Plugs or recycles replacement cooling cabinets or freezer if this is not necessary; As a rule, they are the second largest electricity users in a house.

• Consider replacing refrigerators that are older than ten years old.

• Choose devices with star markings that are certified for less energy.

• Put electronic devices, chargers and devices if you are not used because you can still use energy in modes “Off” or “Power Save”.

• Use power strips with a one-off switch to easily cut the power supply devices that are not used.

• Make sure that the outside air ventilation of the laundry dryer is well sealed.

• Keep the capacitor coils clean on the back of your refrigerator and freezer.


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