Pine Middle School to temporarily close 2026-27 | Local news

The Washoe County School Board was right to approved a temporary closure of the Pine Middle School as part of the modernization plan 2023.

The school is closed during the 2026-2027 school year to reconstruct a facility before the 5th grade at this location.

“This evening we presented the ultimate results and recommendations for various reasons,” said Adam Searcy, Chief Operating Officer from WCSD. “A traditional institution for the 5th primary school is recommended to be best for reconstruction at the current locations.”

According to Searcy, this facility Smitridge Elementary, Dodson, Duncan Glenn, Lemelson Stem Academy and other schools will serve in this area.

He tells us that the next steps are to return with design contracts and other necessities in order to prepare for the reconstruction in the next few years.

In the meantime, the Vaughn Middle School is currently being reconstructed and is expected to take place before the closure so that pine pine students can be turned over and laid according to Vaughn.

The new primary school would then open in 2028.

“The main advantage of this new facility is diverse. It creates learning environments that are more inviting and physical for better results and better attention,” explains Searcy.

He says that there is still a way to reconstruct the school in a facility before the 8th grade. However, this is not planned for security reasons and social concerns of families and employees, but it still depends on the community in the air during the design process.

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