PM quantitative stock analysis | Nasdaq

Below you will find the Guru basic report from Validea for Philip Morris International Inc. (PM). Of the 22 guru strategies that we pursue, the PM rates with our multi-factor investor model are highest, which is based on the published strategy of Pim van Vliet. This multi-factor model is looking for low volatility stocks, which also have a strong dynamic and a high net release.

Philip Morris International Inc. (PM) is growth with a large cap in the tobacco industry. The rating of this strategy is 93% on the basics of the company and the assessment of the share. A score of 80% or higher generally indicates that the strategy has a certain interest in the share and that a score of over 90% typically shows strong interests.

The following table summarizes whether the stock meets each of the tests of this strategy. Not all criteria in the following table receive the same weighting or are independent, but the table offers a brief overview of the strong and weaknesses of security in the context of the criteria of the strategy.

Market capitalization: HAPPEN
Standard deviation: HAPPEN
Twelve minus a momentum: NEUTRAL
Net out payment return: NEUTRAL
Final rank: HAPPEN

Detailed analysis by Philip Morris International Inc.

PM -Guru analysis

PM basic analysis

More information about Pim van Vliet

Pim van Vliet portfolio

About Pim van Vliet: When investing, you usually have to take more risk to achieve more return. However, there is a big exception in the factor -investing world. With low volatility stocks, their high volatility colleagues can be exceeded, and this is at less risk. Pim van Vliet is the head of conservative shares at Robeco Asset Management. His research on conservative factor investments led to the creation of this strategy and to publish the book “High returns from low risk: a remarkable stock market paradox”. Van Vliet received his doctorate from ERASMUS University Rotterdam.

Additional research connections

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About Valida: Validea is Aninvestment Research Service, which follows the published strategies of investment legends. Validea offers stock analyzes and model portfolios that are based on Gurus that have surpassed the market in the long term, including Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch and Martin Zweig. More information about Validea can be found here

The views and opinions expressed here are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect Nasdaq, Inc..

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