“Reacher” Recap, season 3, episode 6: “Rauch on the water”


Smoke on the water

Season 3

Episode 6

Evaluation of the editor

3 stars

Photo: Prime Video

Meet the new boss, just like the old boss. This episode starts face to face with Xavier Quinn. He is now going from Julius McCabe, but he is still the same sick fuck, the Reachers Protégé, Sergeant First Class Dominique Kohl, already tortured and killed in 2012, and survived Reafer’s good faucel huge effort to murder him.

Surprise! The guy has no idea who is a real. Obviously, the amnesia he could suffer after Reach had shot him in the face 13 years ago. Quinn/McCabe – which I will only call Quinn for the rest of this briefing – even interrupts his own reference from Beck because he has hired an ATF agent as a housekeeper to praise him for drinking the high and equally wide water that stands next to him. He doesn’t even notice that Reaker holds a pistol behind his back.

Quinn makes Beck and Reaker clear – clear – And According to Duffy and Villanueva, it is no longer the trouble to listen to Duffy’s informant Teresa Daniel, because the customer has something for redheads via the Supersecure Government-Isue Mobile phone. Quinn transforms weapons with a profit, but that free of charge in human trafficking. He is really a much more deterior shit than his puppet Zachary Beck. But he still needs Zachary alive to complete this large, pending sale because “the customer” expects to complete the deal with Zachary.

In the meantime, a Russian Mobster appears to collect a guilty of Quinn. Quinn obviously knows enough Russian to give his lender’s answer at his request for more time to “give a man a fingernail and he will take the whole arm”. This type has to be really bad news when Quinn is afraid of him.

Reacher drives Pa Beck back to his villa and takes a strange alternative to family consultant mode and tells the Gunrunner that his son deserves it to know that the reason why he should suffer in the past five years is that his old man is a Gunrunner. Sure, Zachary Beck has started his business in that of a more violent and ruthless arms dealer, but his sins are far worse than just bribes to avoid import duties on carpets or whatever. He put weapons in the hands of murderers. It doesn’t make much sense that Beck knows everything about the deal that Quinn has done with the Russian mob, when Quinn treats him as a Lacke as a partner, but the authors somehow have to shovel this exhibition in our mouth.

REacher’s experimenting with human empathy continues when he looks at Richard in the sea and intuits the child that the child has to think about suicide. Richard doesn’t even deny it. REACHER suggests that you go to the city to find an adhesive to repair the vintage toy gun, which Richard was damaged as a gift for Zachary’s 50th birthday party, which was damaged by a trio by 35-year-old bullying, in episode three.

Certainly there is a tube of glue somewhere in this massive house, but this is about the excursion, not about its alleged purpose. We learn that Reach has proposed this so that he can meet Duffy and return her badge. In what you really can’t call rarely Duffy against discipline is so grateful that Reacher Quinn not only killed when he had the chance that her chances of saving Teresa had sentenced a kiss on him. Your reaction to your own indiscretion – “what the shit!?” – Actually made me laugh. REACHER is alerted when Villanueva appears, not because the old timer is cockblockin ‘, but because he fears that Richard Villy will recognize as a cop clothes COP, which is “killed” in the first episode. Sure enough when Richard only finds this alley seconds later, the stencil is like a beloved Pixar film from 2009: Up.

Reaker is waiting for him to be alone in the car with Richard to get clean: he infiltrates Zacharys at home and business to save Teresa and kill quinn. The child points out that the best case here is that his father goes to prison. “He’s already in prison,” says Reacher. “So you are.”

Zachary Beck in this episode makes serious hand- as a reacher pointing out that he protects both Becks, says Zachary to him: “People with this job description tend to catch bullets. I wonder when yours will come? “Zachary’s anger and jealousy towards Reacher is laid, but – like so few elements of Reacher – plausible and convincing.

It is not Richard who ultimately blows Reacher’s cover. It is the fact that Quinn learns from an identified source that the Warrant Officer Powell on the 110th Special Investigations Unit directed its license plate And The friend and the frequent partner in Vigilante justice Frances Neagley, formerly 110., pulled the military dossiers on Angel Doll, Winston Duke and Paulie van Hoven shortly afterwards.

Powell, this Warrant Officer, who was so enthusiastic in Episode 1, to speak to the legendary Major Jack Reacher, proves that he is not a foot -like fanboy and absorbs brutal beating while refusing to give up the name of Reacher. (He act Names Reacher to Duffy, after threatening to burden him because of the disability of the judiciary, how Duffy primarily got into her ruthless undercover surgery.) Constant Powell will not speak, Quinn orders the torturers to “let him from his tongue suspicious and bleed it out.” What a jerk!

Neagley works better and sent two button men who were sent to kill them in their windy city high-rise. Obviously, she is the only person who is present not only on this soil, but in the entire damned building, because the dozens of non-relevant shots that she and the two Hitmen exchange do not bring an answer until Neagley himself 911. As one of the attackers of Neagley, who floods out of his belly, the woman he only tried to describe him as an ambulance: “You are an ambulance.”

The father jokes more than any other individual element, which lets me watch Reacher. More! From! This!

However, the fact that both parties that overlook the Quinn and his employees are current or former members of the 110th, even for a dummy like Beck, makes it a breeze to find out that Reacher, who used his reputation as the founder of this unit to convince Beck, is a delay. Quinn orders Paulie at the top of shooting the (smaller) tall man, but Reacher is already running for the garage. He is smart enough to shoot the tires of the other vehicles on the way to stealing the pickup equipped with snow plow to beat through the entrance gate.

Even this large machine gun with a belt in the Guardhouse cannot prevent him from making his escape well, even though it is causing the truck enough damage to force the reachers to dispose of it. He calls Duffy for help, but not in front of several ATV riding handlings who follow him in the forest. What begins as a further change of shooting turns into a horror movie Predator And kills the last of his attackers by strangling him with a wind that is mounted on one of the ATVs. MacGyver would never!

In the Beck House, Quinn thinks that “nothing strikes a jagged knife” while she shows some really amateurous skills to handle kitchen knives. He continues to torture both Becks by watching Zachary when he forces Richard to play Russian roulette. Richard’s chances were Lousier as REACHERS, when Beck Reacher forced to play because this revolver is a five-shot model instead of a six shooter. (In addition, Richard has no notch in the cylinder to help him see in which chamber the ball is like REACHER.) When Richard survives, Quinn demands “a suitable set”. He has a fever and the only recipe is more ear -related.

You may have thought that REACHER was overwhelmed of grief, confusion, physical pain or a miserable cocktail of all of these things, while he made the last episode of the poor Annetten available to draw attention, while Harley was divided into how this unplanned killing had his weekend plans. But no! Reaker heard Harley brag the boot that Sweet MarieBecause in a flash of insight, Reacher Duffy now tells that the boat is kept in Teresa. They swim after examinations and find evidence that Teresa was actually kept under sedation. They are still on board when Harley appears. Convinced that he tells the truth when he tells them that he does not know where Quinn moves the hostage, let him on the deck of the deck of the deck Sweet MarieThe fire started shooting Duffy after trying. Instead of trying to extinguish the flames, Reacher throws up more fuel. And that is an explosive packaging for Harley, the hideous little weasel.

Reacher Chides Duffy because he is probably stealing his Reamer-Size junk while changing from her neoprene suits, but she is more upset that her last leading role of finding Teresa was blown up. But Reach has another idea. “Pack your sunscreen,” he says. “We’re going to Los Angeles.”

I wonder what the Canadian metropolis will play the city of the angels.

• When Neagley kills the two rackets you attack in her office, she wears a T-shirt in which Siren records from Doylestown, Pennsylvania, advertise. The Margaret Lee van Buren Center for creation and activity is a fictional dylestown notification, but siren Records is real!

• I have now waited for three episodes on REACHERS DAYLIGHT Beatdown by Richards Mobbers in downtown Abbottsville to achieve some consequences. RECHERS Tense relationships with incompetent and/or corrupt local law enforcement authorities are a recurring feature of the REACHER novels by Lee Child and their image shield adaptations, but it seems that there are no local law enforcement authorities in Abbottsville.

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