Sarah Jessica Parker is still angry about Carrie’s bridesmaid dress in “Sex and the City”

Sarah Jessica Parker apparently hated the dress that Carrie had to wear with Charlottes (first) wedding as well as her average bridesmaid.

In the recent episode of Kristin Davis’s Are you a Charlotte? Podcast, the actress and Sex and the city Showrunner Michael Patrick King remembered Parker’s intensive dislike against Vera Wang dress, which her character was following the third season of the show: “Do not ask.”

In the 2000 episode of Davis’ character Charlotte York, he finally married her apparently perfect Beau, Trey Macdougal (Kyle Maclachlan), Carrie (Parker), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) and Samantha (Kim Cattrall), who serve as Bridem youngers in suitable Frocks.

“Sarah didn’t want to wear beige at Charlotte’s wedding,” Davis, 59, recalled, joked and joked that Parker is still “crazy about it”.

Cynthia Nixon, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis and Kim Cattrall in ‘Sex and the City’ in 2000.

HBO/ with the kind permission of Everett

“It was one of the longest days of my life,” said the 70 -year -old king about filming the wedding scenes. “And then SJ goes out Vera Wang. She hates it. She didn’t want to wear beige so much, she cut it up and started putting Tartan on top because Trey was wearing a kilt. I mean it was so funny. ”

And as a result, in the Carrie, which always had a flare for unconventional styling, Tartan bound with a waist at Charlotte’s wedding with a sash.

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“She hadn’t occurred anymore,” Davis recalled. “At some point she came to me and she said: ‘I don’t understand …’ And I’m like ‘, but it’s Charlotte’s wedding. Of course you would wear beige – suitable. I mean, I don’t understand what you don’t understand. ” ”

Sarah Jessica Parker in ‘Sex and the City’ in 2004.

Craig Blankenhorn/HBO

But during the sixth and last season of the show, the tables were apparently shot, with King exhausting against the legendary Versace “Mille Feuille” dress that Carrie was wearing in her Parisian hotel room. According to King, the dress – which later reappeared in Max ‘restart And just like that … – was an example of how Sex and the city The vision of the costume designer Patricia Field from the characters’ wardrobe often exhausted credibility.

King remembered Field, who showed him the multi -layered dress for the first time: “She goes, that just came from Paris. It wants to be on the show. ‘And I said, “How would (Carrie) get that there?” It would be like a whole like three tribes just to get that (from New York to Paris). And I gave her all the logical reasons why it wouldn’t be in there. ”

However, King quickly had a change of heart. “I turned around and when I went over the threshold, I was just hit by reality. And I thought: “Yes, it wants to be on the show,” he said. “And I came back and said: ‘Okay.’ And that was a lesson that I learned, sometimes wardrobe is better than logic. ”

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