Saturn solidifies his title as Moon King with the discovery of 128 new moons

How it happens5:47Saturn solidifies his title as Moon King with the discovery of 128 new moons

If you are a fan of our night sky here on earth and his unique moon, then you would probably really love the view of Saturn.

A team of scientists – including a Canadian of the University of British Columbia – has identified additional 128 monds that circle the Ringed Planet and bring Saturn’s total moon number 274.

“Understand how the planets formed and where (they) came from is always quite impressive,” said Brett Gladman, professor and researcher at the University of British Columbia How it happens Host Nil Koksal.

The results that mean that Saturn has more moons than the other other planets in our solar system were ratified on Tuesday by the international astronomical Union.

Jupiter and Saturn have been locked up in a struggle for most moons for years – and Saturn Stahl two years ago the crown of Jupiter when the same group of researchers found 64 additional moons It surround it. However, scientists say that this discovery probably begins the score once and for all.

“We don’t believe that Jupiter can ever recall this title,” said Gladman.

A graphic with the number of moons on the left and the year below. Saturn is far higher than the rest of the planets with 274, with Jupiter next, traces uranium underneath and Neptune
With the technology, scientists have discovered more and more moons over time. (Graphics by Brooke Schreiber)

He and the other scientists who worked on the project made the discovery with the Canadian France Hawaii Telescope, a 3.6-meter-optical telescope on the summit of the resting volcano Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Since 2019, scientists have been capturing pictures of the moons that use the telescope. The researchers have aligned and layered 44 of these pictures to improve and determine the appearance of the moons what they were.

However, these moons are nothing with the earth. Sara Mazrouei, a planetary scientist and educational developer at Humber Polytechnic, says that we tend to think of a spherical shape when we hear the word moon, everything that is not a planet or another body that is not a sun is or circles as a moon.

According to Mazrouei, many of the moons that are surrounded by other planets in our solar system – including those observed here – are in fact only a few kilometers of size and strange, like an asteroid.

These irregular shapes and small sizes also provide information on how the moons have probably formed, says Gladman.

O’clock | Saturn Smashes Record as a master of the moons in our solar system:

Saturn destroys records as a master of the moons in our solar system

All planets in our solar system are unique in your own way. One of the best known is Saturn, who is known for his incredible rings. But now the gas giant has consolidated its dominance in another area: Monde! Here with the details, the CBC specialist for climate and science specialist, Darius Mahdavi.

The group of scientists believes that the Saturn moved a few moderately large moons into its orbit about four billion years ago. In the previous millennia, these moons collided from time to time and, according to Gladman, broke them down into smaller pieces that continue to circle the Saturn.

Each of these smaller pieces is viewed as an individual moons and is part of why Saturn’s balance is so high.

According to Mazrouei, the same courage-up process Jupiter monds one day could pass and enable them to multiply. But she adds that such events are quite rare – which means that Saturn’s title is pretty safe for the next hundred million years.

Regardless of this, she says that it is a good day to be a fan of the Ringed Planet.

“(My favorite) used to be Jupiter, but I have to say that I have to think about it twice today,” said Mazrouei.

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