Shrek fans, which were disturbed by “strange” details in the Shrek 5 teaser trailer

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Shrek 5 Has officially announced a publication date in a teaser first seen, but a strange new animation detail has worried the fans.

On Thursday, Universal Pictures released the first trailer for the next edition in his legendary Shrek franchise, in which Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz and Eddie Murphy will repeat their respective roles as Shrek, Donkey and Princess Fiona.

Zendaya will also welcome Zendaya as Felicia, one of Shrek and Fiona’s trillingen. The couple’s three alloy children were first presented in the third film, Shrek the third (2007).

In the clip, Shrek, donkeys, Princess Fiona and Felicia gather around a magical mirror to ask: “Who is the most beautiful of everyone?”

“Why Shrek, of course,” replies the mirror and shows a number of pictures of Shrek in glasses that produce a duck face, dances with ABS in a skin -tight body suit and a medical picture.

The last picture causes Shrek and donkeys to scream with fear, while Felicia reacts disgusted and says: “EW, DAD”.

Shrek 5 is in the cinemas of Christmas 2026
Shrek 5 is in the cinemas of Christmas 2026 ((Universal pictures)))

“Oooh, Mama likes,” adds Fiona.

“Who makes this stuff?” Shrek asks which Pinocchio enters to say “not me” what his nose grows.

It has been 15 years since the last Shrek film Shrek forever afterwardswas released in 2010. While the news from Shrks revival made the fans enthusiastically, some spectators found the details to make the characters appear older, including Shreks forehead lines and Donkeys gray fur.

“Eyo Why does Shrek look so old,” asked a fan on X. “What’s going on with her faces?” listed for a second.

“Bro saw enough”, another tired look by Eske.

Others have questioned with the new art style of the characters, which gives them a round look than in earlier iterations of Shrek.

“Did you get botox, why are you like that?” A asked. “Why did you change the animation? It looks cheap, ”wrote for a second.

“Please change the animation style,” said a third party. “Don’t make us to you” Sonic the Igel The following fan counter reaction.

“WTF is this art style,” said another that someone argued: “I can’t even say whether this is actually real. This S *** looks like hell. “

News of the long -awaited sequel The first broken in June last June when Murphy said Collider: “We started to do (Shrek 5) months ago. I did it, I started the first act and we will do it this year, we will end it. Shrek Comes out. “

Shrek 5 It is expected that it will come to cinemas at Christmas 2026. It is led by Walt Dohrn, who has a long story with the franchise. He was a writer and artist Shrek 2 And Shrek the third and served as head of history Shrek forever afterwards. He also expressed rumpelstiltskin in the latter film.

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