Stranger follows woman home and tries to get into car with her in South Jordan

A woman claimed someone tried to get into her car after following her for two blocks.

Delia Lopez noticed the car following her as she was on her way to her brother’s house in South Jordan.

A video from earlier this week shows a person pulling into the driveway shortly after Lopez, getting out of their car and attempting to open their car door. And all of this while Lopez was still in the car.

“I saw them and then I thought it was someone from my brother’s house or maybe his sister or someone he knows,” Lopez said.

But instead it was a strange woman wearing sunglasses and some kind of robe.

The stranger went to the back door and tried to open it, but Lopez locked the door just in time.

“And I was shaking and so scared. How? “What happened?” said Lopez.

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Lopez honked to let the woman know she was in the car.

She said the woman didn’t say anything to her, instead went back to her car, pulled the robe over her head and drove away.

“And after that I was so scared. I think, ‘What is she going to do? What if she has a knife or a gun?'” she said.

Lopez said she even had a nightmare about the incident.

She took video from the car just as the woman got back in her car and drove away.

“She covered because she knew I had just started recording them,” Lopez said.

Lopez said her family filed a police report because they wanted to know who this woman was and what she was up to.

She said they were worried because this could have happened to anyone, including their children.


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