Switch 2 will be Nintendo’s best console from day one

This is a guest column of Nintendo lifeThe most visited independent Nintendo website in the world. It covers the world of Nintendo from all perspectives: games, hardware and history with detailed reviews and functions as well as the fan community, culture and the conversation that forms around gaming’s most popular companies and characters.

For Nintendo fans around the world, time seems to be slower than ever. Since January revealed From Switch 2 (the official Nintendo, not The leaks Weekly before) we have exceeded every day April Nintendo DirectWhen we finally get a proper dive in the hardware, a look at new games and maybe even a publication date. Hopefully.

Havenous This is how we are for solid Switch 2 details that do not come from cover-hungry case manufacturers or a 17-second view of a new one Mario Kart – There is one that I am confident about: Switch 2 from the first day will be the ultimate Nintendo console.

I can already feel something ‘?’ Blocks dive, but listen to me – even at this early stage it is difficult to argue that Switch 2 has not passed the ultimate portal for Nintendo games, the present and the future.

It is largely due to Nintendo Switch online and the huge, historical catalog since then September 2018. You will have access to 182 games with a regular U boat or a whopping 290 with the “Extension package”. They are not just Nintendo games, the 47-member selection of Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Games Also covers some of the absolutely best of this system. Plus the garbage Virtua Fighter 2 Harbor.

Hey, you cannot be all winners, but from classics to cult courses (seriously, see the spaetzel Sutte Hakkun For Super Famicom, if you haven’t done it yet), NSO is a huge buffet with a historical video game nuggets that are served on a single handy device, a perfect introduction for younger players who are not familiar with the old days. GrizzLed veterinarians can have the idea that Whippersnapper did not play Yoshis island or Ocarina of the time or Goldeneye> Bunker> Power weapons – no OddjobBut time continues and it is only natural. NSOS blessing offers so many legendary, formative games on a record. We can discuss the quality of the emulation (And we have), But The library is impressiveDespite gaps and it still grows.

This is all before we reach compatibility backwards with the current console. The series of series best should be playable on the new Switch. Calls of the distortation distortion are still ringing one or two generations, but the highly towering quality of Breath of the wilderness and his direct continuation of the kingdom, Super Mario Odyssey And Super Mario Bros. WonderPresent Animal crossing: new horizonsPresent Splatoon 3Present Pikmin 4The MetroidThe Xenoblades, And more is undeniable. If you are not the highlight of your respective series, you will be under discussion and you will be almost definitely playable on Switch 2.

We enter into an era with unprecedented platform support, and this is another victory for everyone with a switch 2

But what about third parties? What about India? The details are blurry in this phase, but we assume Arcade archives Series and digital Eclipse mastered work at various collections, not to mention the excellent Gold master Line.

The huge ocean incredible indie games should speak for itself in this phase. One of the greatest strengths of Nintendo that fully accepted this gene the community of smaller developers. Switch also has a surprising manner with larger developers of third -party providers and signs for this support, which is expanded to Switch 2, and this includes games from other platform holders.

Switch is not far from becoming brilliant Playstation History LessonAnd even first party Sony begins to dive MLB And Lego Horizon. Throw the potential support from Microsoft Call of duty And Rumors about other portsPlus the wider world of modern games and other companies that want to alleviate the increasing production costs on several platforms, and we enter into an era with unprecedented platform support. Another victory for everyone with a switch 2.

There is also the little matter what Nintendo bubbles on the stove in his Kyoto kitchens. Internal developers have said goodbye, while the partner studios have completed for most provider production since Mario Wonder. I expect the biggest rackets to swing on Nintendos Bank in April. Of course, a 3D mario (it is the 40th anniversary of Super Mario Bros., remember it), but anything but a full-grown 3D-Zelda is possible. And there is A few potential Wii U -Ports That could also surprise us in the Hylian department.

Switch sales have slowed down dramatically last year – not unexpectedly look at the age of the system (it goes into its ninth Year in March). As every Captain F. can say obvious, Nintendo needs the energy, excitement and profit, the new hardware generates, but the demand from tags is probably colossal. Stored stock makes a significant sense, even if Analysts, investors and fans alike are annoyed as soon as possible.

Could the next main Mario be total toilet? Naturally. Past evidence suggests that it will probably be pretty good, and Switch 2 will probably have other pretty good games. Nintendos software striking average is pretty good.

Even if you consider that the switch is the only console that I bought on the starting day. I got a Wii in the first month, but I was never out of a business that was wearing the new sharpness on the first day before. It worked out pretty well, but a purchase of day in action felt like a real gambling in view of the fate of Wii U, even for a card carrier nintophile that is desperate to play Botw on the bus.

Nintendo consoles

Nintendo consoles

Vice versa, The The Nintendo Console feels like the safest bet for fans of the medium and knows practically nothing about his starting line -up. The historical library that needed years to build on previous systems will only be there!

Well, almost everyone. How Nintendo has mentioned (Although not yet detailed), there will be “Exceptions”. A background graphic on his website shows Various games probably playable; The probability is only that Outlier The use of peripheral devices and modes in which the IR sensor is involved is technically incompatible. Pour out for Labo.

In addition, all the signs indicate that 2 is a brilliant overview of the history of Nintendo from the starting day. Despite many unanswered questions and not forgotten to participate my professional obligation from the start (a golden excuse), the possibility of the buyer’s repentance for a Nintendo console was never lower. I have never been excited to hold on to the first day.

Whenever that is.

Gavin Lane is an editor at Nintendo Life. It has been flying with the Nintendo flag since the 8-bit days. You can find it in the usual places as @dartmonkey.

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