SZA criticizes ‘Club Shay Shay’ about Coco Jones BBL question

Ah, BBLS, The evergreen hot topic of podcasters and reality show Mavens that fishing for viral hits. The “Brazilian Butt Lift” has caused a lot of discourse from rappers and commentators of pop culture in the past decades and a half decades and a half – and not everything is fine.

A BBL question recently asked by Shannon Sharpe in his podcast Club Shay Shay Perhaps a big guest cost him in SZA, who held his early question to the singer Coco Jones as “sticky” and found that she changed her opinion about the guests on the show.

The interview was released two weeks ago, but the social team of the show published clips five days ago, all with the types of radiant titles that serve to get the lizard heads of internet users to click. Such a clip revolved around the above-mentioned BBL question.

“Sza recently came out and said she had regretted having got a BBL,” Sharpe remarked. “Did you talk to someone who regretted it, how” whatever you do, do you not do that? “While Coco skilfully dealt with the question and offered an opposing perspective, Sza clocked the clip and called out the host in the comments on Instagram.

“Lmaooo now, why should that be a question for Coco,” she wrote. “The poor baby has now handled her well, now Shay Shay.” In a separate comment, she also wrote: “Incredibly sticky. I also wanted to come here, well.”

The question was asked by SZA’s own answer to a similar investigation in A British fashion Interview. “I’m so angry that I did it,” she admitted. “I have increased all this weight from being immobile while I recovered and tried to keep the fat. It was just so stupid. But who gives Af*ck. You have a BBL, you notice that you don’t need that. It doesn’t matter. “

Let the journalist to be out there for you. Controversy may sell, but you will never know what chances that could controversy could cost in the long run.

(Tagstotranslate) Music (T) Club Shay Shay (T) Coco Jones (T) Shannon Sharpe (T) Sza

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