The Ant-Man star Paul Rudd explains why ‘Thanus’ would not have worked

The Ant-Man actor Paul Rudd begins doubts that the “Thanus” plan supported by fan would have worked to prevent the Mad Titan from acquiring all six infinity stones.

What did the fans want to do Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man to stop Thanos?

Thanus, a Portanteau of the words “Thanos” and “Anus”, is a popular fan theory that was created in 2017 before Avengers: Infinity was published. The theory claims that the Avengers Thanos could easily stop by shrinking Rudd’s Ant-Mann and going up the villain. The pint size superhero would then increase from the inside and explode Thanos.

In the years in which the Thanus theory has become viral, Rudd repeatedly approached whether the plan had recently worked with during a chat. After the actor had previously been on board with Thanus, he is not sure whether Ant-Man would have been successful.

“However, I wonder often, he could have really stopped Thanos in this way? Rudd considered and alluded how Thanos could apparently have stopped Ant-Man’s attack with the stones in his position.

Rudd spoke to ComicBook to promote his new film Death of a Unicorn with his co-star Jenna Ortega. After Ortega was visibly confused about Thanus, Rudd tried to explain her theory to her. “Do you know what we’re talking about? There was a theory against Thanos, why Ant-Man not only … instead of Thanos, it was ‘Thanus’, got Thanos up and then expanded,” said the actor, using his hands to do Mime, what Ant-Man would do with Thanos.

You can see Rudd Ortega below the Thanus theory:

It is unlikely that Rudds Ant-Man will have the chance to test the Thanus theory in Marvel Cinematic Universe, since the Mad Titan, depicted by Josh Brolin, was killed in Avengers: Endgame from 2019 (twice). Thor chopped the head of the original Thanos during the opening scene of the final, while Iron used the Infinity Stones to take care of a younger variant by turning him and his army into dust of the film during the climatic battle of the film.

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(Tagstotranslate) Ant-Man

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