The brand new front man Jesse Lacey created the death of his stepson last night at a private show

Brand new‘S Jesse Lacey publicly in the death of his stepson for the first time during his show on March 2 in the Eastside Bowl in Nashville.

The intimate set showed a mix of brand new tracks and solo materials, including a new song entitled “Death”, which he wrote about the loss.

During the set, Lacey shared the following:

I won’t talk too much about it, but I and my wife Andrea lost our son three years ago. His name was miles and it was as difficult as you can imagine. I didn’t want to go on stage … I would say his name because they also have to thank him for being up here. He was a very, very, very simple boy to love. Grief is very difficult to navigate and I have found that music reduces the poison for me. And I found that this is together with people … grief like this thing, this super, super heavy weight that you wear on your back all the time. When I am with people when they can listen to the story of what my family has gone through, it is as if they had some weight for them for a while and carry it with them. I have the feeling that music did that for me too. I just wanted to expand my thanks because I feel that tonight. I hope I am up here to carry something of it and thank you for helping me to carry some of it. I think I wrote so much about death in brand new, and since I am still trying to write about it in a new perspective, as undesirable as it is. I can’t do it right, but that’s as close as I am.

The full show is available here:

Lacey has played several small shows in the past few months, including a private brand new reunion in December to support the life of the CV. In the meantime, more brand new shows were announced today.

In 2021, Jesse and his wife Andrea lost her son Miles And created the charity organization, Moms Skate Club. Here you can donate to the charity organization.

(Tagstotranslate) Brandneu

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