The conflict in Jamie’s Outlander Season 7, Part 2 proves how much Claire has changed

Warning! Spoilers for Outlander Season 7, Episode 9 ahead!

Outlander Season 7, Episode 9 brought back one of Jamie’s oldest conflicts, but Claire dealt with it in a whole new way. The fantasy series is coming to an end, season 8 concludes the overarching story. Of course, a lot has changed since the first season. Decades have passed since Claire first arrived in the 18th century, and OutlanderThe final seasons have to prove it what that means for the characters and their development. In Jamie and Claire’s case, there was no better way to do this Outlander Season 7 than through the return of Laoghaire.

Laoghaire was a harbinger of chaos from the beginning Outlander. Every time she appears on screen, there’s a good chance drama will erupt. Laoghaire is easily one of the most despised characters in the series, meaning that even the mention of her name is bound to elicit a reaction – especially from Claire. For this reason, Jamie announced that he wanted to pay a visit to Laoghaire to clarify the matter Outlander Season 7, Episode 9 set off some alarm bells. However, Claire’s reaction was very different than in the past.

Claire’s attitude towards Laoghaire and Jamie changed drastically in the seventh season of Outlander

Claire’s jokes about Laoghaire were quite refreshing

The complete story of Laoghaire and Jamie in Outlander explained
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Jamie’s decision to see Laoghaire certainly caused Claire to raise an eyebrow Outlanderbut she didn’t get angry or frustrated like she might have once done. In previous seasons, she would have argued with Jamie, reminding him that Laoghaire had tried to have her killed, or shot Jamie in the arm once. She could even have pointed out that Laoghaire once held Brianna captive in her home. However, instead of becoming disturbed, Claire teased Jamie about his upcoming visit and even jokingly asked her husband to get in touch about who Laoghaire was sleeping with these days.

Outlander Season 7 reveals a new version of Claire that we haven’t seen much of yet

Claire is far more down-to-earth than in previous Outlander seasons

Claire and Jamie in Outlander Season 7

Claire was certainly playful at times Outlanderbut the drama in her story often made her extremely tense. That is of course understandable. However, the situation with Laoghaire is in Outlander Season 7 Episode 9 was A great way for the series to show how much Claire has calmed down. Things don’t bother her as much as they used to, and as Claire has gotten older and had more experiences, good and bad, she has learned to let things go. Seeing their jokes and even their gossip about Laoghaire was a breath of fresh air.

This is not the only way Claire demonstrated these changes Outlander Season 7, Episode 9. She has often kept the secret that she is a time traveler very closely, and only a select few know the truth. However, Claire ultimately decided to be honest with the Murrays about where she was coming fromwhich is another indication that she has become far less reserved over the years. This is particularly effective because it’s not as if the drama has disappeared from Claire’s life. Things are still a constant challenge, but Claire seems to have accepted this and stopped taking everything so seriously.

Claire’s changes allow Outlander to focus on the future

Claire’s new attitude will be good for the chaos to come

The noticeable relaxation of Claire’s tension Outlander Season 7 is quite a relief, as it means conflicts like the one between Jamie and Laoghaire could be resolved more easily than would have been possible a few seasons ago. Claire is more mature and ready to move forward in her life rather than being stuck in the past (an ironic revelation given her status as a time traveler). Of course, that doesn’t mean things will be easy for Claire in the future. Outlander Season 7 has already hinted at chaos for Claire’s story going forward, but the midseason premiere showed that Claire can handle it differently than before.

The seventh season of Outlander has already hinted at chaos for Claire’s story going forward, but the midseason premiere showed that Claire can handle it differently than before.

Claire and Jamie have been separated countless times Outlanderand at the end of Season 7, Episode 9, they are once again forced to go their separate ways for a time. Both those Outlander Books and the Season 7 Part 2 trailer reveal that this period will be tragically extended, and For a while, Claire will believe that something terrible has happened to Jamie. This story is really nothing new for the series, and Outlander risks repeating stale storylines to disappointing effect. However, having Claire approach this news with her new maturity could make all the difference.

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