The former army soldier was found guilty of manslaughter

Elizabethtown, Ky. (Wave) – A former soldier of the US Army was found guilty due to homicide in June 2023.

The condemnation of manslaughter, which was raised as a lower indictment against the murder accusation with which he was confronted. An official court date has not yet been determined.

Henning killed his wife Ashley on her birthday in 2023. The entire incident, including an argument that was preceded by the shootout and the shootout, was caught on a home Videamatticathere.

When the trial was resumed on Thursday, the defense began with its closure. She described Henning’s emotions as a bucket, with every report on his wife Ashley, who verbally or physically abused him as a constant drops until his bucket flooded.

“Jordan lost control. He snapped. He broke. Period,” said defender Roger Rigney.

“How did he believe that a ruthless murder of his career would help?” Rigney continued. “It was not that. If he was in his right and control over the situation that night and did not suffer from extreme emotional disorders, why should he do this in front of the cameras that he helped during the installation?” Think about it. “

“There is no evidence that she was a threat to him,” Eric Carr, Hardin County Asst. Commonwealth lawyer said.

The police say that Jordan shot his wife five times after a heated argument. The Commonwealth lawyers believe that the evidence is clear. The fatal moment between the couple was caught in front of the camera. You do not agree to the right to defend it.

“If what you saw in this video is not evil and malignant, I don’t know what is,” said Carr.

The jury was asked to determine whether Jordan Henning owes or not the murder, the homicide of the first or second degree or ruthless murder.

The jury recommended a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

(Tagstotranslate) Jordan Henning (T) Ashley Henning (T) Jury Considerations (T) Eric Carr

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