The movement of container freight is currently increasing – Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ)

Brazil, April 17, 2024 – As a freight container, we have shown an increase of 9.66% in earnings since this year, two days later the Estatístico Aquaviário da Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ).

Charging capacities alone amounted to 107.3 million charging tones (-3.32%) in Brazil in 2024. No more accumulating, the volume amounted to 1.1 billion charging tones (+). 2.25%)

In comparison, the highest percentage of residues recovered were from soybean oil (+35.41%), açúcar (+32.64%) and carvão mineral (+27.75%).

Loading and navigation

In relation to container loads, the movement amounted to more than 12.1 million tons. This corresponds to a transport volume of 1.1 million TEU, an increase of 11.64%. In total there were 0.8 million TEUs moving long-haul and 0.3 million TEUs for cabotage.

Delivered cargoes are expected to move 5.0 million tonnages by the end of 2024; solid granules with 64.4 million tons; The liquid granules are 25.8 million.

For this reason, a long-term cargo movement of 80.9 million tons was no longer carried out, while a trip of 22.4 million tons resulted in a trip within 3.9 million tons at the end.

Portos Públicos

Postage public movement has been 39.6 million tons since 2024. The figure represents an increase of 0.53% compared to the same period last year.

In Porto, between 10 and more cargoes moved in the United States, with the highest increase ahead of Porto de Vila do Conde (PA), with 1.6 million tons, an increase of 37.37% was registered last month de 2023.

Terminais Privados

Our authorized appointments were up to 5.43% compared to last year. It moved for 67.7 million loading tones.

Last year there were 10 TUPs that moved more than once to the Portuário do Pecém (CE) terminal, with an increase of 29.26% and 1.7 million cargo tonnages.

Painel Statistico

The ANTAQ statistics service can be accessed via smartphones and tablets and is not available on the agency’s website. When consulting with electrical engineering, the long-distance transport time, the journey, the internal passages and the movement to Portuguese can be checked.

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