The new Mickey 17 trailer reminds you to read the fine print

Before Mickey 17Making its debut in just a few weeks, Warner Bros. has released a new trailer that really makes the film’s vision of terraforming alien planets seem like absolute hell – at least for the working class.

Everyone has an important role to play Mickey 17is the view of a future in which humanity attempts to colonize other worlds. But in the new trailer, it’s clear that Mickey Barnes (Robert Pattinson) has no idea what he’s getting himself into when he signs up as an “expendable” on a ship bound for the lonely ice planet Niflheim.

Mickey doesn’t find it strange that once his crewmates arrive in Niflheim, they all stay on their ship while encouraging him to go outside with his helmet off and breathe in deeply whatever virus might be hanging in the atmosphere. And he doesn’t seem worried at all when his little outing seemingly leads to a fatal infection that involves coughing up a lot of blood. It’s terrible, but it’s also what Mickey’s colleagues expect of him, because his job is to be a guinea pig who dies over and over again before being cloned with a 3D printer.

Even though the new trailer gets increasingly creepy, it also leans into the film’s humor by making it clear what a screwed-up situation Mickey has gotten himself into. And when Mickey 17 hits theaters March 7th and will likely remind us all why it’s important to always read employment contracts.

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