The new moon on December 1st encourages you to let go and relax

What does the new moon have in store for you on December 1, 2024?

We are heading into the darkest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Shorter days with less natural daylight affect us all, although some feel it more than others. “Our bodies and minds need extra relaxation and care during this time,” says Jetteke van Lexmond, co-founder of the Moonsisters and their lunar calendar. “Additional grounding, i.e. discharging and charging, is also strongly recommended now, as the cold prevents us from walking around barefoot, which otherwise has a grounding effect.” According to the lunar expert, grounding is essential for good health. “The Earth is negatively charged, while many electrical devices are positively charged. We need enough negative charge to stay healthy and balanced.” As a tip for grounding practice in the cold season, the expert advises going into the forest, placing your hands on a tree trunk, placing your feet firmly on the ground, to consciously connect with the earth through the tree and let go.

Mercury retrograde invites you to pause

According to Moonsisters, we will be in Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15, 2024. “Mercury retrograde is still unfairly feared and blamed, but the cosmos, the universe or God – whatever you want to call it – makes no mistakes, knows no coincidences and no bad timing,” says van Lexmond. “Everything is going according to the overall schedule, exactly as it should.” For the lunar expert, a Mercury retrograde at the end of the year is a gift to slow down a little and pause for a moment before the hustle and bustle of the end of the year begins. “Meeting deadlines, organizing Christmas presents and planning outfits can create pressure,” she says, adding: “Don’t drive yourself crazy. The best gift comes from the heart.”

Mercury retrograde, which began on November 25th, will be followed by a new moon in Sagittarius on December 1st, 2024. The Moon Sisters point out that there are two new moons this month, the second on December 30, 2024 – also known as the Black Moon – inviting you to work on your shadow aspects. “What else lies hidden in the darkness within you? What’s stopping you from clearing the air and making a fresh start?”

Van Lexmond describes Sagittarius, who has both a Mercury retrograde and the first new moon of the month, as a real bon vivant and a sign that loves conviviality and social activities – but with depth. “Sagittarius people love getting together with like-minded people and having conversations that discuss real issues. They long to go deeper and expect the same from others.”

Mars goes retrograde shortly after the new moon on December 1st

The moon expert has another tip for the coming holidays. “Focus on the connections that already exist rather than dwelling on what’s missing,” says van Lexmond. “The Moon’s conjunction with Mars and Saturn could also make you feel like you need to break through and discover new horizons, whether outside or within yourself.” This means you should think about booking a sunny vacation with your family or Going away alone over the Christmas period to completely switch off and recharge your batteries.

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