The Oklahoma House Committee promotes the law to request an age review for the use of social media

A legislative template that would require an age check to use social media platforms on Wednesday from the modernization and technology of the House Government.

The author of the Bill Rep. Chad Caldwell R-Enid said that the data is clearly about the dangerous effects that social media has on children. He also said that the state had a convincing interest in the matter.

Under HB1275, children under the age of 16 could not be an account holder on social media platforms. It would also prevent minors from being older than 16 on social media without being the consent of their parents.

“We have a convincing interest in protecting Oklahoma’s youth,” said Caldwell. “Just as we did when it comes to other addictive substances such as tobacco or alcohol, as we have done in other manners to play access like pornography, play tattooing that we have access to our children delay. “

Rep. Arturo Alonso D-OKC asked about the effects of the law on freedom of speech.

“This is very neutral in terms of content. We do not take a position in relation to the actual content,” said Caldwell during the meeting. “It is only the vehicle and the way this communication is accessed.”

Rep. Emily Gise R-OKC said some argue that the legislation shifted the decision from the parents to the state.

“In your opinion, why do you think you have an appropriate role for the state instead of leaving it to the parents to regulate the use of their child on social media,” said Gise Caldwell.

Caldwell once again pointed out the currently applicable laws for other substances.

“The reality is that no parent can make 100% of these decisions completely, and we have decided that from a state perspective due to this overwhelming mandatory state interest, and I think that this convincing state interest is certainly the case,” replied Caldwell.

Companies that violate the regulation would be a fine of $ 2,500 per violation.

The draft law rose from the committee in a 7 -to -1 voice.

(Tagstotranslate) Age verification

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