The Pokemon TCG has just presented one of the most expected sentences of all time


  • The Pokemon TCG will bring Team Rocket return in the upcoming set, the fame of Team Rocket.

  • The set will be released in Japan on April 18, with in English on May 30th in English.

  • Fourteen cards have already been unveiled, including meowth, Persian and MewTwo.

We knew that Team Rocket had been returning to the Pokemon TCG for some time. A brand of Pokemon with the title “The Glory of Team Rocket” was released in June last year, and after the World Championships Pokemon gave us a look at his upcoming TCG extensions and ended the presentation with Team Rocket’s Famous ‘R’.

Since then we have had a few exciting sets and stare the barrel for coaches Pokemon with Together together, but there was no news about when Team Rocket is arriving – until now.


Other Pokemon centers remove the plastic from TCG products to prevent scaling

It is much more difficult to resell TCG products that are not sealed in plastic.

Today the Pokemon Company officially introduced its next Japanese set, the fame of Team Rocket, which is supposed to start in a little less than a month.

The Pokemon Company has finally introduced Team Rocket’s fame

One can certainly say that Team Rocket, who returns to the Pokemon TCG, is excited at an all -time high. While Pokemon already had an outstanding run with the pikachu-centered sparks, which had been used by eevee-centered prismatic developments and the return of coaches Pokémon in Journey Together, the involvement of Team Rocket will bring things to the next level.

Team Rocket’s fame will be published in Japan on April 18, and maps from this set together with the expansion of the Heatwave Arena will make up the English version of the specific competitor of the TCG, which will be released on May 30th.

The first unveiling showed us fourteen different cards of the 98, which will appear in the set, without secret rare, which confirmed the return of “Rocket’s Pokemon”. We also looked at the Pack Artwork, which contains a number of prominent team rocket members and Pokemon, including Giovanni, Arbok and MewTwo.

So far we have seen a Meowth AR, a Persian ex and a MewTwo ex, both of which are likely to have Ar or SAR cards when the full expansion is unveiled.

You can see any map published in the gallery so far:

The English equivalent set, certain competitors, is to be unveiled at some point in the near future. We hope that products are easier to achieve than yesterday’s prismatic developments in the Super Premium Collection.

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