The police recovered diamond earrings worth 769,500 US dollars that thief has swallowed

“Will I be charged with what is in my stomach?” On February 26, Jaythan Gilder asked an employee in Florida on February 26th.

The answer was apparently yes.

The next day, the authorities accused the 32-year-old Mr. Gilder, Grand theft of the first degree and robberies of the robbery of third degrees with a mask. They say that he had stolen two pair of diamond ear rings worth a total of 769,500 US dollars from Tiffany & Company in Orlando – and swallowed hours later when the police had arrested him.

On Friday, the Orlando police announced that they thrown back Mr. Gilder’s earrings, who had spent more than 12 days in a hospital, when they were “excluded from his system”.

The police said that Mr. Gilder from Houston was accompanied by the alias “Shawn” on February 26 and as a representative for an NBA player on Orlando Magic in a private room in the back of a business in Tiffany & Company in a shopping center in Orlando.

There he looked at two pairs of diamond ear rings worth 769,500 US dollars and a diamond ring worth 587,000 US dollars. Mr. Gilder looked at the jewelry when he suddenly jumped up and seized him after the arrest warrant of a police officer in Orlando.

Mr. Gilder hurried to the door and pushed and pulled on the handle when he tried to go, said the warrant. But when he tried to get out, an employee pulled the ring from him. Mr. Gilder was able to flee his earrings, the arrest warrant says.

With the help of surveillance cameras and license plate -reader technology, the police were able to identify the car that Mr. Gilder had driven out of the shopping center. Later that night he was stopped about five hours northwest of Orlando, 100 miles west of Tallahassee due to a traffic violation.

When Mr. Gilder, who had 48 separate violations of the failure from Colorado, was taken into custody, he swallowed in a row, “several objects,” the arrest warrant says.

When he was moved to a prison in Washington County, Florida, several “foreign bodies”, which were assumed, appeared on an X -ray image, said the authorities.

Then he asked an employee in prison whether he would be charged with what he was in the stomach.

After the earrings that Mr. Gilder swallowed, the authorities brought them back to Tiffany & Company, where they were cleaned and inspected, the police said. The serial numbers on the jewelry matched the numbers of the missing earrings.

The contact information for Mr. Gilder was not available on Friday. Court files did not show whether he had a lawyer. The Tiffany & Company Store in Orlando did not answer a phone call to get a comment.

After a review of Mr. Gilder’s records, the police said that he was “charged with an almost identical robbery/theft” by Tiffany & Company in Texas.

With regard to the question of whether you can be charged for stolen property that you take, Mr. Gilder seemed to answer his own question shortly after his arrest.

According to the authorities, one of the arranging officials heard him and said: “I should have throwed them out of the window.”

Kirsten Noyes Research contributed.

(Tagstotranslate) Jewels and jewelry

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