The Pope’s disease spreads doubts in the Vatican

The St. Peter’s Square is lively, but the activities have slowed down behind the walls of the Vatican when the Catholic Church deals with the lack of Pope Francis.

Tourists take photos in the spring shine and pilgrimage flows that mark the Catholic “Holy Year” go to the basilica, while journalists from all over the world report reports on the health of the 88-year-old.

In the tiny state of Vatican City, however, departments are calmly packed daily schedules.

“We are at the minimum service,” Corporal Eliah Cinotti, spokesman for the Swiss Guard, who takes over the security of the Pope, told AFP.

“Exceptional services – masses, audiences, receptions of ambassadors and heads of state – are outdoors outdoors,” he said, and cardinals occur to lead some masses, but can cancel most of the events.

“It is a phase of calm” that remembers the end of Covid, “he added to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The activity within the Roman Curia – the government of the Holy Chair, which monitors the global activities of the church – was not so affected.

Although Francis’s portrait hangs on the walls of the violations or ministries, the work does not depend directly on the Argentine Pope.

But the severity of his condition and the lack of willingness of his doctors to give a medical forecast difficult to make medium -term plans.

The Pope has not appeared in public since February 14 when it was approved with breath difficulties in the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, which developed into a double pneumonia.

The window of the Apostolic Palace, from which he remained closed to the weekly Angelus prayer for three Sundays in a row – a premiere since his election as head of almost 1.4 billion Catholics in the world in 2013.

– Daily –

Instead, the days are characterized by two medical bulletins issued by the Vatican in rare efforts. One describes in the morning how Francis’ night went, followed by a more detailed evening update.

In the press room directly at St. Peter’s Square, Reporters quickly become experts in medical words.

The Vatican previously went through periods like this. Between May and August 1981, Pope John Paul II spent an assassination at an assassination at 77 days after an assassination attempt.

But the longer it works, the more Francis’ hospital stay – the longest of his papacy – morality weighs.

“There is a slowdown because we don’t know what will bring tomorrow. We live from day to day, we don’t go on vacation,” said a Vatican source that wanted to remain anonymous.

“There are times when we are very afraid of others, when we say to ourselves that he is on the right track again. It’s a roller coaster ride and it is very stressful,” said the source.

– Crisis mode –

Francis’ health problems have long fueled that he could step down one day, and his critical illness has prompted some to prepare for the next conclave – the meeting of cardinals that is right in a new pope.

But in an absolute monarchy it is taboo to discuss the future while the Pope is still alive.

“It would be considered inappropriate,” said an anonymous officer from the secretariat of the state. “The truth is that nobody knows anything.”

The Italian Vatican expert Marco Politi agreed “It is a strange situation”.

“This is not the time for the cardinals to meet in the secret of planning the future,” he said because it would undermine the “elegance of the great Catholic hierarchy”.

And yet, since the believer is prepared for all possible eventualities every evening behind the scenes behind the scenes.

“We are in crisis mode,” said a diplomatic source from a European message to the holy chair and admitted that he “updated the files for the conclave”.

Francis has sent signals that he is still responsible, receives AIDS and worked from his hospital suite on the days when he feels good enough.

But without him the celebrations for the ashes celebrate Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the religious season of Lent.

And nobody knows whether he will be present in 40 days at Easter, the biggest event in the Catholic calendar.


(Tagstotranslate) Pope Francis (T) The Vatican (T) Double Pneumonia (T) The Catholic Church (T) Corporal Eliah Cinotti (T) Gemelli Hospital

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