The prices for Sky-High Hawaii are not the only thing she makes her journey reconsider

If you thought that the costs for visiting Hawaii were the biggest that kept her away, something that sharpens quietly than many had even expected. A new study by the University of Hawaii showed that parts of the islands, especially the urban areas on Oahus south coast, are much faster than before.

The revelation? In some places, the soil is up to 40 -faster than the island average. This means that areas through which you drive or in which you could stay can be exposed to chronic floods much earlier than expected – potentially within the next two decades and not in five.

While this sounds far away, there are already signs of the problem. In some areas, with high tides and storms, flooding more often, with water approaching roads and facilities that travelers rely on today – not in decades.

New knowledge at the airport in near Honolulu.

Other deeper areas that were previously developed for artificial filling are also included. For many visitors, these are not dark places – they are near popular hotels, rental car facilities and consistently between the airport and resort zones.

For years, travelers were warned of a long -term increase in sea level in Hawaii. But this new layer – land that sinks faster than the ocean – accelerates the schedules dramatically. Areas that were predicted by flood by the end of the century could now be flooded regularly until 2050.

Some forecasts show the flood inputs in the worst zones, which are increasingly increasing and in certain areas, occasional floods with high tides and storms are becoming increasingly common.

This means more than moist soil and a variety of problems of the community and infrastructure that Ripple effects in the Hawaii tourism industry could achieve. And yes, that includes the streets to and from the airport, especially at weddings or storm surges.

It is no longer just a problem.

While the majority of Hawaiis focus on the increase in sea level how the residents, owners and companies affect, the travelers of Hawaii will not be immune. Many hotel zones and transport corridors are built on the same vulnerable area.

There is also the broader cost question. The Hawaii travel prices have risen post-pandemically, which were driven by inflation, reduced flight capacity and limited availability of the hotel. Now you can add what will come into the growing list of hidden costs in terms of upgrades and insurance increases, which will probably be passed on to Hawaii visitors over time.

When hotels and tourism companies are forced to change, retrofit or raise in flood areas, these costs do not disappear quietly. You will probably appear in your nightly room price, the resort fee or in your flight price.

UH researchers confirmed that these areas have been sinking consistently for two decades. The cause is not a dramatic tectonic activity-the calm compression of a relaxed, filled country under the weight of urban development. In other words, it won’t stop soon.

The understanding of which districts are most affected-especially on Oahu-Können, affect future-proof travel decisions. Areas that were built on a natural coastal pattern prize better than the artificial filling or former wetlands.

Honolulus billion dollar puzzles.

All of this comes when Hawaii continues to enter massive funds in the upgrades of the airport and tourism infrastructure. As we recently reported, the state has only spent $ 849 million in airport bonds – in the possession of travelers. But one question arises: Are these improvements taking into account the rapidly accelerated flood exposure nearby?

Honolulu, who sits in a suspected zone, has its own weaknesses. While the current UH data has concentrated on the south coast, the researchers find that other parts of the island system can follow similar trends next.

It raises difficult questions as to whether enough planning is built into long-term infrastructure locations and whether travelers should consider security options in certain seasons or avoid certain areas. All of this remains rejected.

Plan the uncertain times in Hawaii travel.

None of this means that Hawaii is suddenly open. But it is underlined how quickly the competitive area is shifting, especially for a goal that is so strongly based on its coastal attractiveness.

In the future, visitors may want to pay more attention to tidal cycles when booking travel during the autumn or winter rain period. The selection of accommodations, which slightly inland or uphill – even a few blocks – can become a trend. Since we are aware of the flood-prone areas around important choke points such as Honolulu Airport, the Ala Moana shopping center and parts of Waikiki, a more frequent part of travel planning may be more than ever.

Last thoughts about what is ahead of us.

Ultimately, the study does not say that the islands drop overnight in a dramatic collapse. However, it shows how outdated assumptions can create blind spots via change time plans – especially for travelers and tourism, which is based on the conviction that everything in Hawaii will look and feel the same year after year.

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