The state can claim its responsibility

François Bayrou, at the Elysée, in Paris, on August 23, 2024.

François Bayrou storms into Purgatoire. At the age of 73, the President of the Moderate Council, appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron, did not attend the supreme consecration on December 13, but was received at the Elysée Palace just that night. “The goal is to touch the son”esteemed son of Jean-Louis Bourlanges, former deputy chairman of the Hauts-de-Seine and old companion of the route.

It can be bad that you don’t know what it means. The aura fell to a “terremblement”, the dissolution of the National Assembly, on June 9th and a political catastrophe six months ago, the fall of the government of Michel Barnier, for the reason that Emmanuel Macron joined at the end of his history aux responsabilités. Recently, their party members have pounced on an unfavorable scenario: the head of the budget had previously called François Bayrou on the phone when he was appointed prime minister. Before being received for a long time at the Elysée Palace, the view finally changed on the possibility of a blockage and a break by his main ally and he chose Matignon.

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