The state’s list of witnesses contains the father of Karen Read, Trooper Proctor

Ben. GOOD DAY. YES. Three superiors of the state police are now weighing. The fate of Trooper Michael Proctor, including whether he should be exposed to an additional punishment for these insulting messages. SMS messages that he sent through Karen Reed when he examined her for the death of John O’keefe. Shortly before Proctor was to appear here in the State Police Headquarters this morning before this process procedure, his wife and sister published a joint explanation. Now they claim that Karen Reed and her team defume Proctor and incorrectly described him as corrupt. His wife Elizabeth partially wrote. The public prosecutor believes that it is an open and closed case against Reed, and the defense also knows this. So your tactic is to put my husband in court because you send his friends and family to his personal phone. According to Proctor’s family, Reed tries to distract the public and potential jurors from the evidence in the next month for the death of John O’keefe. They say that Reed’s followers have molested and tortured them. They point out that the special prosecutor recently confirmed a federal investigation of the potential corruption of the police. Misconduct in the matter of Reed and Reed is not charged with anyone. Proctor has been suspended since last July without payment. The state police superiors could already decide this evening whether Proctor is guilty or not owe official misconduct. If you are guilty, it is up to the colonel of the state police to determine the punishment of Proctor. And that could possibly also include being fired. In the last hour, the special prosecutor Hank Brennan published a list of witnesses at the district court and at the Supreme Court in Dedham, which he wants to call during the second legal proceedings by Reed, and Trooper Michael Proctor is on this list. Live in Framingham. David Bienick WCVB NewsCenter. IN ORDER. And David, now, you mentioned that we have entered the list of witnesses, but we also understand that the list of witnesses contains another remarkable name for the public prosecutor. YES. A very remarkable name for everyone who has followed this case. The public prosecutor says that she could call Aidan Carney for the second legal proceedings against Karen. READ. This is the blogger who pursued this case extensively and who was also a passionate supporter of the theory of Read that someone else killed John O’keefe. Kieran Kearney is also accused of intimidating witnesses in connection with the Read case. Ben Gut, David Bienick Forest in Framingham and you will continue to follow. Of courses

Karen Read’s father, “Turtleboy” blogger Trooper Proctor, new experts appear on the public prosecutor’s list of witnesses

Includes Albert Family, Trooper Proctor, Read’s father

The public prosecutor submitted a list of 86 potential witnesses that they could call to testify in the upcoming resumption of Karen Read, the woman from Massachusetts, whose murder is accused in connection with the death of her friend, a police officer in Boston, for murder. The list contains many of the same witnesses that testified in the first legal proceedings, including members of the Albert family who owned property, on which O’keefe died. The defense of Read recently suggested that two of the Albert’s defense of third-party perpetrators will be part of third-party. The tooper Michael Proctor, the investigator, whose text messages played an embarrassing role in the first murder process, is on the list. He was suspended according to Reads and was waiting for the judgment of his disciplinary procedure. Read’s father William Read is on the list. The special district prosecutor Hank Brennan previously said that he wanted to make statements about “various approvals of the accused to him”. The controversial blogger, who is known as a “Turtlyboy”, who posted himself very much about the defense theory of the case, is also one of the potential witnesses. He provides for several charges, including the intimidation of a witness, in connection with his work, and the public prosecutor claims that Kearney and reading have been informed in detail. Expert witnesses on the list belong to members of the company who were set to carry out new tests in Reads SUV. Read, 45, from Mansfield, is accused of having met her SUV in front of a cantonal house on January 29, 2022 and letting him die in two bars in a snowstorm after a night of drinking. Her first legal proceedings against three charges began in April 2024 and ended on July 1 with a Mistrial. The selection of juries for their second legal proceedings will probably begin on April 1, and the lawyers have spent the week to submit numerous applications before the last hearings. List of witnesses of the public prosecutor: Witnesses, Brianalbert, Brian Jr.albert, Caitlinalbert, Chrisalbert, Colinalbert, Juliealbert, Nicoleastein Louijuvenile Kfjuvenile Pf Kearney, Aidan (blogger Known as “Turtleboy”) Levinson, Saramaxon, Jennifermcabe, MatthewMehan, Brigid (Keeper of Record) Nagel, Julienagel, Ryano’keefe, Paulo’keefe, ErinRead, NathanRead, Williamroberts, Curtroberts, Kryscanlon, Stevensullivan, Laurasullivan, Mariettatrayers, Rebeccatrotta, Michaelvoss, Gretchen Canton Fire Departmentbecker, Jasonflematti, Anthonykekelly, Matthewmclaghlin, Katienuttstall, Timothywalsh, Franciswhitley, Danielwoodbury, Gregorycanton Police Department Dedigiatro, Paul – Sergeant (Ret.) Gallagher, Paul -leutnant (Ret.) Sergeantlank, Michael – Lieutenantantmullaney, Stephenrafferty, Helena – Chiefray, Charles – Lieutenantsaraf, Stevenwanless, Brian Ret. Police brent, Evanbukhenik, Yuriy – Sergeantclark, Zachary- Sergeantguarino, Nicholaso’hara, Kevinpaul, Josephproctor, Michaeltully, Brian – Lieutenant Forensic Laboratoriesbradford, Nicholas – Bodechart, Tess – Bodekun, Teri – UC Davishanley, Christina. State Police Crime Laboratory Hartnett, Maureen – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratory Yryzan, Sophie – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratory Knowles, Hannah – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratoryporto, Andre – Mass. MS. Ph.D – Canine Aggression Consulting LLCGILMAN, Robert – New England Weather Sciencehyde, Jessica – Hexordia llcfaster, Garrey, Md. – Good Samaritan Hospitalklane, Andrew – Aperture llcMerolli, Mike – Aperture Llcrice, Justin, Md – South Shore HospitalScordi -Bello, Irini, MD – Office of Chief Medical Exambridge, Renee, Md – Office of the Chief Medical examination, Judson, Judson, Ph.D. Aizik L., Md – Miami Neuroscience Center

The public prosecutor submitted a list of 86 potential witnesses that they could call to testify in the upcoming resumption of Karen Read, the woman from Massachusetts, whose murder is accused in connection with the death of her friend, a police officer in Boston, for murder.

The list contains many of the same witnesses that testified in the first legal proceedings, including members of the Albert family who owned property, on which O’keefe died. Read’s defense recently suggested that two of the Albert’s defense of the perpetrator will be third -party perpetrators, although the public prosecutor asked the judge to block this strategy.

Trooper Michael Proctor, the investigator, whose text messages played an embarrassing role in the first murder process, is on the list. He was suspended according to Reads and was waiting for the judgment of his disciplinary procedure.

Read’s father William Read is on the list. The special district prosecutor Hank Brennan previously said that he wanted to make statements about “various approvals of the accused to him”.

The controversial blogger, who is known as a “Turtlyboy”, who posted himself very much about the defense theory of the case, is also one of the potential witnesses. He faces several charges, including intimidation of a witness in connection with his work, and the public prosecutor claims that Kearney and Read have been informed in detail.

The experts on the list include members of the company who, for the implementation of new tests in the SUV of Read, the dog (dog feeder who wanted to exclude the defense, as well as a digital forensics expert who testified when the first examination of a telephone has to say that another person implies the defense.

Read, 45, from Mansfield, is accused of having met her SUV in front of a cantonal house on January 29, 2022 and letting him die in two bars in a snowstorm after a night of drinking. Her first legal proceedings for three charges began in April 2024 and ended on July 1 with a Mistrial.

The selection of the jury for her second trial is expected to begin on April 1st, and the lawyers have spent the week to submit numerous applications before the last hearings.

List of witnesses from the public prosecutor:

Civil witnesses

  1. Albert, Brian
  2. Albert, Brian Jr.
  3. Albert, Caitlin
  4. Albert, Chris
  5. Albert, Colin
  6. Albert, Julie
  7. Albert, Nicole
  8. Bernstein, Steven (recording owner)
  9. Boudreau, Kaitlin
  10. Camerano, Michael
  11. Camerano, Katie
  12. D’Angono, Richard
  13. Demulis, Jean (Keeper of Record)
  14. Higgins, Brian
  15. Jutras, Loui
  16. Juvenile KF
  17. Juvenile PF
  18. Kearney, Aidan (blogger known as “Turtleboy”)
  19. Levinson, Sara
  20. Maxon, Heather
  21. McCabe, Jennifer
  22. McCabe, Matthew
  23. Mehan, Brigid (Keeper of Record)
  24. Nagel, Julie
  25. Nagel, Ryan
  26. O’keefe, Paul
  27. O’keefe, erin
  28. Read, Nathan
  29. Read, William
  30. Roberts, Curt
  31. Roberts, Kerry
  32. Scanlon, Steven
  33. Sullivan, Laura
  34. Sullivan, Marietta
  35. Dreamer, Rebecca
  36. Trotta, Michael
  37. Voss, Gretchen

Canton Fire Department

  1. Becker, Jason
  2. Flematti, Anthony
  3. Kelly, Matthew
  4. McLaughlin, Katie
  5. Nuttal, Timothy
  6. Walsh, Francis
  7. Whitley, Daniel
  8. Woodbury, Gregory

Cantonal police

  1. Digiampietro, Paul – Sergeant (Ret.)
  2. Gallagher, Paul Leutnant (Ret.)
  3. Goode, Sean – Sergeant
  4. Lank, Michael – lieutenant
  5. Mullaney, Stephen
  6. Rafferty, Helena – boss
  7. Ray, Charles – lieutenant
  8. Saraf, Steven
  9. Listless, Brian (Ret.)

Needham police department

  1. Galerani, Brian – Sergeant

Massachusetts State Police

  1. Brent, Evan
  2. Bukhenik, Yuriy – Sergeant
  3. Clark, Zachary-Sergeant
  4. Guarino, Nicholas
  5. O’Hara, Kevin
  6. Paul, Joseph
  7. Proctor, Michael
  8. Tully, Brian – lieutenant

Forensic laboratories

  1. Bradford, Nicholas – Bode
  2. Diagram, Tess – Bode
  3. Kun, Teri – UC Davis
  4. Hanley, Christina – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratory
  5. Hartnett, Maureen – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratory
  6. Hryzan, Sophie – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratory
  7. Knowles, Hannah – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratory
  8. Porto, Andre – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratory
  9. Vaillier, Ashley – Mass. State Police Crime Laboratory


  1. Burgess, Shanon – Aperture LLC
  2. Crawford, Coleen – public prosecutor’s office in Norfolk
  3. Crosby, James W, MS. Ph.D – Canine Aggression Consulting LLC
  4. Gilman, Robert – New England Weather Science
  5. Hyde, Jessica – Hexordia LLC
  6. Faller, Garrey, Md. – Good Samaritan hospital
  7. Klane, Andrew – Aperture LLC
  8. Merolli, Mike – Aperture LLC
  9. Reis, Justin, Md – South Shore Hospital
  10. Scordi -Bello, Irini, MD – office of Chief Medical Examiner
  11. Stonebridge, Renee, MD – office of Chief Medical Examiner
  12. Which, Judson, Ph.D -Aperture LLC
  13. Whiffin, Ian – Cellebrite
  14. Wolf, Aizik L., Md – Miami Neuroscience Center

(Tagstotranslate) Albert Family

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