The Yosemite National Park faces a “catastrophic” lack of personnel thanks to Trump’s attitude frier

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The Yosemite National Park faces a “catastrophic” lack of personnel, since the freezing of the Trump administration and the attempt to reduce federal expenses by the Trump management.

In the past few weeks, the White House has lifted hundreds of job offers and layoffs have been observed because the park is supposed to enter its busiest season according to reports. It comes when the Yosemite superintendent Cicely Muldoon is about to retire.

The current and former employees of the National Park Service, non -profit organizations and other experts told Sfgate That the efforts of the park, decades in the production, go wrong to protect its ecosystems.

The former Yosemite superintendent Don Neubacher described the lack of staff as “catastrophic” when he spoke to the outlet. Beth Pratt, regional manager of the National Wildlife Federation, said that she had “never seen anything like this in my 55 years”.

“Just to extend the parking service? I don’t understand, ”she added.

Yosemite National Park in the foreground with a partial view of El Capitan on the left and Merced River. The park's employees were asked

Yosemite National Park in the foreground with a partial view of El Capitan on the left and Merced River. The park’s employees were asked ((Getty pictures)))

Elizabeth Barton, a founding member of the Echo Adventure Cooperative tour operator, described the situation as “frightening”.

“We are deeply concerned about the long-term health of the Yosemite national park under the current administration,” said Barton Sfgate.

According to Griped Magazine, the national park has around 750 employees in summer. These employees are responsible for 1.6 million visitors in summer and the 750,000 acres of the park.

On his first day of the office, Trump signed an executive order in which the hiring in the federal government was frozen. Thousands of employees in the middle of their onboarding processes were said in e -mails that their job offers were lifted.

Rangers and Fee technicians who received fees for entrances and campsites that were two months after the setting process were suddenly released, which led to chaos in the park, since the attitudes were not properly applied to seasonal staff.

The Office of Personnel Management published a memo on January 20 that there was some exceptions to the freezing creation, including that “seasonal employees and short -term temporary employees who were necessary to traditionally recurring seasonal work loads “, Were not included.

But days passed without corrective measures. On January 28, the Trump government offered millions of federal employees, including Yosemite employees, a buyout. The future reductions sent to the employees to the employees for the federal employees.

President Donald Trump published a freezer in the entire government. That, together with the reduction of the workforce, caused confusion for the staff of the national park

President Donald Trump published a freezer in the entire government. That, together with the reduction of the workforce, caused confusion for the staff of the national park ((Reuters)))

In the e -mails warned: “We cannot give you full security in relation to the certainty of your position or agency, but your position should be eliminated that you will be treated with dignity.”

On Thursday, the Trump government extended its efforts to relieve thousands of subject workers, which have usually been employed for two years or in some cases for less than a year. Trump officers have their target for trial workers because they have fewer jobs and have no legal law.

The Trump administration sent further e -mails and reserved job offers to further season park service workers on February 6th. This included law enforcement authorities, firefighters and Emts. Positions in connection with public security should be freed from freezing.

On February 11th, The Washington Post reported that some job offers in law enforcement agencies and dispatcher were spent on public security again, but how many are unclear.

An anonymous Yosemite employee told Sfgate, “At the moment there is a lot of fear, but nobody knows who makes these decisions more.”

“Those of us who have gone are said that they should be prepared for chaos and cover,” added the employee in relation to the possible lack of a reservation system for potential visitors to the park.

A spokesman for the Interior Ministry, which is responsible for the National Park Service, told Sfgate In a statement that the department “the hiring of President Donald J. Trump implemented through the hiring of Freeze Executive Corner in the entire civil workforce of the federal government”.

“The order enables exceptions for certain positions, including those who relate to public security,” added the spokesman. “The department is working on stopping key positions that continue to protect public and tribal areas, infrastructure and communities from the effects of forest fires through dangerous fuel management, forest fire and close cooperation with Interagency partners.”

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