“There are times when I speak and there are times when I don’t.”

Captain Marvel She herself bluntly discussed how she deals with Marvel fans’ misogyny – by completely completing the question. The actress has portrayed Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel since the self-titled debut film of the figure, who as one of the most powerful characters in the entire Marvel Cinematic universe. However, Larson was often a goal for online bullies, so that her Costar Samuel L. Jackson spoke in her name.

Years ago Jackson said: “She won’t let her destroy this stuff. These cloudings that hate strong women, or the fact that she is a feminist who has an opinion and has expressed it? Everyone wants the people they want. She is who she is and she really is.“Regardless of this, Larson was noticeably guarded when he was recently asked in an interview with the interview The Telegraphtell the journalist: I want you to see that you connect me to something that has nothing to do with me by continuing this conversation.

The actress further explained that she doesn’t do it “Think that there is a way for me to answer this without becoming a problem“And not all that she says”is an attitude.“Pro Larson”, “There are times when (you) jumps (s) and there is time“She doesn’t do it. She knew from the moment she had occupied it”Carol would (she) make more of a public person than before.“But they”Thought what the film said was more important than (her) fear. “

Larson’s choice paid off; Carol was “” “”a life -changing experience“For her. According to Larson, she tends to be”How “thank you, goodbye”“When she is done with a role. Although she usually doesn’t do it “Feel the need to bring you home,“Larson said her MCU part was different and explained:”With Captain Marvel, the most things I learned from her – her agency, her self -confidence – I think. It was great that she could also be this experience for others.

Larson clearly found a value in Carol’s character and hoped that it could have a positive influence by taking on a positive influence. Despite the online counter reaction that she receives, Captain Marvel himself is still an important part of the MCU as the first heroine to get a solo film. As such, it makes sense that Larson believed that the role was effective enough to record it despite the ramp light.



Captain Marvel star Brie Larson teases her return for Avengers 5 & 6 and reacts to RDJS Doctor Doom announcement

Brie Larson, who plays Captain Marvel of the MCU, teases her return for Avengers 5 and 6, while responding to Robert Downey Jr. Doctor Doom News.

In addition, Larsons answers blunt answers to the interviewer when she is asked about the Internet bullying that she does not want to make hasty statements. In the past, her words have often led to criticism from fans and non-fans, so that their fear is not unjustified. As an actor in a large franchise, Larson can also be careful to say something that Captain Marvel character could hardly reflect.

Kamala Khan, Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau look in the miracles

Unfortunately, Larson is a lightning shelf for the complaints of her critics, which the interviewer probably knew. Whether she campaigned for herself to comment would be to blame for what she said. The actress who diverts the interview to discuss instead Captain Marvel And their personal connection to their MCU role was a more intelligent way of showing their love for franchise and avoiding those who do not like their ammunition.

Captain Marvel

Publication date

March 6, 2019


Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck

Upcoming McU films

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