This tiny “South Park” detail proves Dire Kenny’s financial situation

While Make Love, Not Warcraft has long been touted as one of them South ParkIn the series’ best episodes – one so good that series bosses Trey Parker and Matt Stone are known to rank it among their top three favorites – a few eagle-eyed fans spotted another detail that truly makes it one for the ages: Kenny’s terrible gaming -Set up.

Last week, South Park Fan Capital_Comedian_474 took to the series’ subreddit with a new observation about the iconic episode: How Kenny’s huge 1990s computer proves once again that he is much poorer than his friends.

“Has anyone else noticed that Kenny has an old, beat-up computer?” they asked alongside a screenshot from the show that shows the gang deep in their acne-ridden gaming K-hole, with Kenny in front of his clearly Manila monitor sits.

The answer, as Capital_Comedian_474 quickly discovered, was a resounding “yes.” Shortly after hitting the subreddit, several other fans flocked to the comments and noted that they, too, noticed Kenny’s retro World of Warcraft Digs spoke of his family’s financial woes, which have been discussed several times throughout the long-running series.

“I’m surprised it’s even running WowTollyVonTheDruth noted, while neonokor noted how details like these have become a common thread throughout the series’ 26-year run. “Kenny always has either old or broken stuff,” they added.

But Kenny’s gaming station wasn’t just further evidence of his poverty, it also made sense for another reason: It probably gave him another way to die over and over again. “If you look even closer during the level scene, you can see his frame lag as he jumps around while the other guys are running almost perfectly,” he added DarkMcChicken.

Although Kenny’s retro computer didn’t seem to make a difference when it came to putting Jenkins the mourner in his place, we’d be shocked if his ’90s ass physique didn’t lead to a few “Oh my God, they did.” “Killed Kenny!” s on the way.

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