Titanic’s Cora’s former children’s star explains why drowning scene was cut

Titanic could have been even more depressing.

In the episode of February 10th After we wrapped The podcast Alex Owens-Sarno, who played Cora in Titanic, opened through her experiences in the blockbuster film and a very memorable scene that was cut.

The 36-year-old Owens-Sarno told host Gabriella Ortiz that her experience in the film was “great”. In her most memorable scene in the film final, she rotates with Leonardo DiCaprio during the third grade scene. Before he dances with Kate Winslets Rose, he says: “You are still my best girl, Cora.” Owens-Sarno said she “didn’t even know who” Dicaprio, 50, was.

“Our first scene we shot was this scene that was cut, and when we went home that day, my mother said: ‘Do you know who you were in front of the camera?’ And I said ‘Leo, my friend!’ ‘, the actress recalled. “She literally showed me Gilbert Traube This week and I thought: »He is a real actor?! He was my buddy and it was great fun. “

Titanic was her very first acting job, and the then 8-year-old actress booked it after visiting an open casting call for extras. “The dancing was part of my attraction,” she recalled.

But she said that Titanic Scene that had the greatest influence on her wish to be an actress was cut – a short scene in which Cora and her family drown when the boat goes down. “It was strongly rejected by mothers,” she said.

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Director James Cameron, Owens-Sarno, said: “The scene in the film. I made my own stunt. It is a lot. ”

Leonardo DiCaprio (left) and Kate Winslet in ‘Titanic’.

CBS via Getty

“When they showed (Titanic To test that the audience (the audience) was “not”. We won’t see how she dies, ”said Owens-Sarno. They thought that their death was “far too much”. The annoying scene was cut, but it ultimately appeared online.

Owens-Sarno said after the film was released, she quickly realized what a big deal it was. “I was approached on the street, like ‘Oh my god, are you cora?’ She remembered. She realized: “People see me and know me and recognize who I am.”

She also joked that her grandmother would brag about her appearance in the film and to listen to everyone who would listen, “This is my little girl and she was there Titanic. “” “She added that as a Preteen” she was probably a kind of gorge over DiCaprio.

Owens-Sarno, who grew up in San Diego, noticed that she got an agent after the film and went to auditions, but was unsuccessful as a child star.

As an adult, she decided to return to Los Angeles to pursue acting again – and the “increased emotion” of her drowning scene reminds her of the part of acting she loves best. As a “thicker girl,” she said, she was often pushed into “comedy”, but in the years since she became safer, the “drama” is where her heart is.

“I know where my talent lives and can go from there,” she said.

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