Today’s connections interpret and answer for March 20, Puzzle #648

Are you looking for a hint for today’s puzzle? In the following we have indications that you unlock the category you amazed on March 20, 2025 for the puzzle.

Connections were first started in the New York Times in June 2023. The premise is deceptively simple: the players have to find the thematic connection of four groups of four words … without making more than four mistakes.

Today’s connections have categories about the bathtub of nature and surrounded miracles.

Below you will find the tips, categories and answers for today’s connection game Puzzle #648 on March 20.

An indication of every connecting category today, March 20th

Yellow group note: Make thoughts known

Green group Note: Like a hole

Blue Group Note: Connecting devices

Lila Group Note: Could also be bubbling drinks

A word in every connection category today, March 20th

Yellow group word: singing

Green group word: Street

Blue group word: umbilical cord

Lila group word: flash

Connection categories today, March 20,

Yellow group category: Pronounced

Green group category: Water body

Blue group category: Types of cable

Lila group category: Things in bottles

Here are the answers to connections today, March 20th

What are the yellow words in today’s connections?

Pronounced: Direct, Frank, loud, loudly

What are the green words in today’s connections?

Water body: Bay, channel, sound, street

What are the blue words in today’s connections?

Types of cord: Bungee, expansion, spine, umbilical cord

What are the purple words in today’s connections?

Things in bottles: Genius, lightning, message, ship

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