Tomb Raider fans can rediscover the classics as the remastered trilogy offers deep discounts – games

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As PlayStation celebrates its 30th anniversary, what better time to revisit one of the original console’s most beloved and iconic trilogies? You don’t have to dig your CRT TV out of the attic to see it either – Lara Croft’s first tomb raiding adventures have been completely remastered for a more modern take on the classics.

Now you can collect Tomb Raider I-III Remastered for just £26 from Game, featuring the three original games plus their respective expansions and secret levels, with clean graphics and audio over the classic level design and gameplay.

For the purists out there, don’t worry. Similar to the remastered Halo: Combat EvolvedYou can switch between the updated and the original graphics at any time and let Lara shine again in all her polygonal glory at the touch of a button.

All the classic heroics remain, too, from the titular grave robbing to luring your unsuspecting butler into the Croft Manor fridge. The games also feature additional trophy support.

On Amazon it has received an average rating of 3.8 out of 5 stars from 40 reviews so far. “If you like Tomb Raider, you’ll like this game,” said one five-star review. “Brilliant, 10 out of 10.”

“I’ve played all the Tomb Raiders on all the PlayStations over the years, but getting the PS5 with the first three is nostalgia overload!” said another happy Tomb Raider.

Another said: “The control scheme has been updated and works fantastically. You also have the option to use the original tank controls.”

Some reviewers seem to have missed the hint that these are PS1 games with a fresh coat of paint. “The game is so bad,” said one such customer. “It’s so clunky. Graphics aren’t great. Lara doesn’t move very well.”

Another added: “My biggest gripe is controlling Lara with a DualSense controller, it’s a nightmare.” And yes, I’ve tried troubleshooting in the game settings but after an hour on all three games I give up on.”

For some alternative nostalgic fun, the Metal Gear Solid trilogy is available on PlayStation Store for just £49.99. The original Crash Bandicoot games have also been remastered for a new generation. The Switch version is available from Game for just £21.99.

For just £26 it is Tomb Raider I-III Remastered The collection is a bargain for both old-school gamers and newcomers.

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