Unknown vandal defaces BYUI | BYU-Idaho Scroll

On the morning of Dec. 1, Brooke Tressler, a sophomore studying psychology at BYU Idaho, was shocked to see crude language appear in a Snapchat story. One of the BYUI signs was vandalized at the intersection of East 2nd South and South 1st East. There were vulgar black letters on the white stone surrounding the university logo, and a spray-painted answer scrawled on the concrete block below. The perpetrator remains unknown.

“I was disgusted,” Tressler said. “This is a campus where the Lord is, and the people are not nice.”

BYU Idaho is considered the third safest university in America. Graffiti, protests and vandalism are rare, if not unheard of, at BYU Idaho. As a religious institution, high moral standards are enforced and expected from faculty and students.

“I won’t regret this, bitch,” the caption read.

BYUI students agree to follow the CES Honor Code throughout their studies. The code includes maintaining church support and encouraging students to strive to follow gospel standards in their commitment to Jesus Christ. This also includes compliance with the law.

Unknown vandal defaces BYUI | BYU-Idaho Scroll
A tarpaulin covers the illegible sign. Photo credit: Brooke Tressler

At 5:54 p.m., Tressler and her roommate Joanna Fehr drove past the defaced sign and were surprised to catch a glimpse of a gray tarp covering the graffiti, confirming the truth of the post Tressler had seen that morning. Tressler quickly grabbed her phone and took a photo to show her friends.

The Snapchat story shared with an online group for BYUI students is not affiliated with BYUI.

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