Vanna White reveals contestant mistakes that made her laugh

Wheel of Fortune has made viewers laugh with some incredibly wrong answers over the years, but one person who should keep a straight face even with the most ridiculous answers is Vanna White.

White served as wheelhas been a letter turner for over 40 years and is a complete professional through and through. However, there have been moments in the game show’s history when even she couldn’t contain her laughter.

In an interview with PeopleWhite said, “I feel bad for our contestants because they’re so nervous,” before admitting, “But I’m laughing inside at some of the wrong answers.”

“I think half the time they don’t understand what they’re saying at all,” she added. “As was the case then, the answer was ‘More fun than a barrel full of monkeys’ and the participant advised: ‘More fun than a barrel full of Vikings!'”

White talked about some of her favorite wrong answers, including: “The guy who thought it was a ‘Styrofoam hat’ instead of ‘Styrofoam cup'” and “A famous answer where the answer was ‘Gone with the Wind,’ and the answer of the contestant was “Done With One Hand.”

The show has had some spectacular wrong answers in recent months, including the December 30 episode in which a contestant answered “New York Cheesesteak” instead of “New York Cheesecake.”

The December 17 episode also featured a contestant who answered “Chocolate, chestnuts and chickens” instead of “Chocolate, chestnuts and chimneys”.

Most memorable of all was the November 11 episode, when police officer Will Jordan gave the meme-worthy response: “Give yourself a round of sausage” instead of the correct answer: “Give yourself a round of applause.”

White had another favorite, telling the outlet, “We had a puzzle where the answer was ‘Streetcar Named Desire.’ And only the “m” was missing. The participant replied: ‘Streetcar Naked Desire!'”

What is your favorite mistake? Wheel of Fortune ever answer? Let us know in the comments section below.

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