Warning to Americans who travel to Turk and Caicos

Due to crime in the region, the US government has published a travel consultant for the Turks and the Caicos Islands.

Advising the US State Department is level 2, which means that travelers “make increased caution”.

Why is it important

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes into account a large number of factors when issuing travel advice, including crime, terrorism, unrest, health, probability of a natural disaster and current events.

What to know?

A level 2 consultant shows increased risks of security and security.

What did the travel consultant say?

According to the consultant, most crimes appear in Providenciales, an island in the northwest of the Caicos Islands. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the police in the region may have limited investigative resources.

Turks and Caicos
Stock Image: View of turquoise water from Kreidlang, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos.

JSnover/Getty Images

It also warns that firearms and ammunition are illegal, including individual balls that have accidentally brought hand luggage bags or luggage. Travelers who violate this law could be exposed to arrests, prison periods and severe fines.

“Although the law allows some exceptions and discretion, the Foreign Ministry cannot guarantee its release,” explains the advice.

Crimes in Turks and Caicos: What we know

Last year, the region recorded an increase in robberies and burglaries, as can be seen from a report by local outlet Turks and Caicos Weekly News. The increase in crime caused the police from Royal Turks and Caicos Islands to set up a committed surveillance unit.

The robberies are said to be aimed at both locals and tourists, especially in providenciales. According to reports, the suspects reported villas, restaurants and companies.

What is a travel advice at level 1?

Level 1 is the lowest level of advisory level for the security risk. Travelers are encouraged to exercise normal precautions in these nations and regions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes that there is a certain risk of international trips and can change at any time.

The nations that are currently under a level 1 travel advice include Australia, Japan, Greece, Iceland, South Korea and Canada.

What is a travel advice of level 2?

Advice on level 2 asks travelers to change increased caution and to be aware of the increased risks of security and security.

The nations and regions that are currently under a level 2 travel advice include the Turks and Caicos Islands, Albania, France, Germany, Great Britain and Brazil.

What is a travel advice from level 3?

Advice on level 3 calls on travelers to rethink the journey due to serious risks of security and security.

The nations and regions that are currently under a level 3 travel advice include Trinidad and Tobago, Guatemala, Jamaica, Nigeria, Pakistan and Egypt.

What is level 4 travel advice?

A level 4 travel advice asks the US citizens not to travel to a nation or region. It is the highest advisory level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and indicates a greater probability of life -threatening risks.

The nations that are currently under a level 4 travel advice include Afghanistan, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Russia and North Korea.

What people say

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a travel consultant for the Turks and Caicos Islands: “Some US citizens have been detained and cannot leave for several weeks or more after they have been found in their luggage.

What happens next

The Foreign Ministry gives tips for people who choose the trip to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Travelers should carefully check the luggage and remove all balls or firearms before leaving the USA and not going alone at night. You should not resist a robbery or answer the door to your hotel or apartment, unless you know who it is.

Travelers are also recommended to prepare an emergency plan and to register for travel warnings via the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (step).

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