Watch the support of Marco Rubio, who supports the US vow of defending Ukraine after giving up her nuclear weapons

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Foreign Minister Marco Rubio said that the Trump government should do almost everything to bring Russian President Vladimir Putin to the negotiating table in order to achieve a deal about the Ukraine war – although Putin has reported to Donald Trump for weeks without Ukraine.

Now the Trump government has stopped military help for Ukraine, and Rubio has asked for an excuse of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after a heated House -Clash Friday, on which Zelensky from Trump was insulted.

A little more than a decade ago, Rubio passionately spoke about the moral imperative of America to defend Ukraine against aggression after the nation had given up its nuclear stock after the fall of the Soviet Union.

At the time of the independence of Ukraine from the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. The nation gave up its nuclear warheads when the United States, Great Britain and Russia in the Budapest Memorandum agreed to protect the country from aggression against which Russian President Vladimir Putin was clearly injured when he ordered the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Russia also violated the memo in early 2014 when it entered the Crimean Peninsula, which was part of Ukraine, and annexed it. The western failure of defending a country that had voluntarily given up triggered an outraged Rubio, the angry comments of which are recorded in the video below

“What kind of lesson does this instance send to the people in Ukraine? Asked a frustrated Rubio.” I think the message that is sent to many nations around the world is that we may no longer be able to rely on the security promises of the free world. “

Rubio was angry again on Sunday when he defended the cooperation of the Trump government with … Russia.

“The only thing that matters is to negotiate Putin” This week.

“The only way it ends is when Vladimir Putin comes to a negotiating table. And at the moment President Trump is the only person on earth who has a chance to bring him to a table to see what he would be willing to end the war, ”said Rubio.

On Monday, Trump stopped military help for Ukraine and Vice President JD Vance that only the United States and Russia are now in peace talks in which the nation, Russia, is not involved.

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