What happens with a Code Blue and how do I get help? Homepage

The Office of Homeless Services declares a Code Blue when the National Weather Service predicts precipitation and a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit or less, or when wind chills are forecast to reach 20 degrees or less.

A Code Blue activation alerts shelter providers, increases the number of shelters, and puts the city’s 24-hour homeless street outreach team on high alert at any intake center or shelter.

Throughout the year, OHS opens approximately 3,000 emergency shelters. But during the winter — typically December 1 through March 31 — OHS activates its winter initiative and adds nearly 300 more shelter beds in anticipation of increased need. These winter initiative beds are open every evening. However, during a Code Blue, OHS adds an additional 50 or more beds to ensure there is enough for everyone who needs one.

Reception centers

To get help for someone sleeping outside in the cold, anyone can call the Homeless Outreach Hotline at (215) 232-1984 to take them to a reception center where staff will find them and assign them to housing based on their needs.

If someone cannot call, they can go to a municipal reception center, where staff will help find the most suitable accommodation for them.

All year round, including during Code Blue declarations, the city’s day reception centers are open Monday to Friday. When the day centers are closed during the day, the reception centers are open after hours on weekdays and weekends.

However, when the city government offices are closed, for example during a snowfall, on public holidays and on weekends, the reception centers are not open during the day. If the city has declared a snow emergency, reception centers will remain open 24 hours a day after hours.

Reception centers outside of business hours:

  • People who identify as female (singles only)
  • House of Passage, 111 N. 49th Street
  • People who identify as male (singles only).)
  • The Mike Hinson Resource Center, 1701 W. Lehigh Avenue
  • Families (head of household with children)
  • Red Shield Family Residence, 715 N. Broad Street

Shelter guests may remain in Code Blue and Winter Initiative shelters until the code is lifted, with the exception of the DBHIDS-funded West Philly Navigation Center.

Warming centers

OHS, in partnership with the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Department, the Free Library of Philadelphia and provider Project HOME, is opening warming centers during a Code Blue. Anyone who needs a warm place to stay indoors can go to a warming center or day shelter where food is also available. You can also call Outreach at (215) 232-1984 to get a ride to one.

This Safety and Emergency Preparedness page provides more information about how the City is protecting Philadelphians during extremely cold weather.

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