What is the free hit chip and how do you use it?

Ten years ago, the Fantasy Premier League (FPL) stopped some chips to make the game more interesting and strategy.

The attack is no longer there, but both the bank and the triple captain remain-with a free hit and two Wildcards-a key role in every manager attempt to win mini-Leagues and achieve a strong global rank.

It is that Free hit We concentrate here.

Would you like to play it, but not sure how to use it? We have covered them.

What is a free hit?

FPL Blank GameWeek 29: Three possible free hit designs 4

With a free hit, managers can only form an FPL squad for a Spielweek via an unlimited number of free transfers.

The complete change of your squad for a certain round of devices is free, although you are aware that your squad then returns to the regular 15 for GameWeek.

A free hit cannot be canceled after confirmed.

However, you save all the free transfers you have accumulated before pressing the free button.

How to use the free hit

A option one

Simply register with your FPL account using a computer or an app and select the “Select” tab.

Right on the top of the page, under the “Free Hit” symbol, there is a “Play” button that you can press to activate the chip (in red below).

You can then go to the “Transfers” tab to make as many movements as you want.

Option two

Alternatively, you can go directly to the “Transfers” tab and select the free “Play” button as shown below.

You can then carry out your transmissions as usual.

Best times to use it

Chips can be used in a variety of situations – this is the beauty of them. Perhaps it is to attack a double web week or survive an empty game. Perhaps your squad has an injury crisis or you have the greatest confidence in the upcoming game of a player.

With free hit, many FPL managers usually follow the logic of using the chip during an empty or double week of play.

The advantage of an empty game week is that you can set up 11 players at a time when many managers are too short. If you combine this with some clever differential picks, you can fire the ranking list.

It is unlikely that you make the team worse while activating the double week of play is the risk of sacrificing high-quality one-match players in order to pursue a higher number of double. It can easily backfire, just as it can work excellently.

Another opportunity was either with terrible games or a large number of injuries and forbidden during a regular game week.

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