What Jenna Bush Hager said, her husband Henry blushed today

Jenna Bush Hager and her husband Henry Hager shared a delightful moment in the fourth hour of today.

When Jenna reminded her love story, she let Henry blush when she told the story of the first time when she kissed.

“I remember our first kiss. I’ll just say it,” said Jenna when I organized today’s episode with Jenna & Friends with her husband with her husband. “It was for Lil ‘Troy, a song that we cannot say on TV. Lil’ Troy was a rapper at the time. We danced and suddenly they shot their shot.”

“I mean, I don’t think you can say that on TV in 10 a.m., but I campaigned for the kiss,” said Henry.

Jenna then interfered and said Henry that he could Say that on TV. The only thing he cannot say is “what happens later”, which made him laugh.

“That didn’t happen,” giggled Henry.

“I think it only depends on how we remember it. You haven’t made the shame out of the white house?” Jenna teased what Henry had blushed. The couple saw each other when Jenna’s father, former President George W. Bush, was in office.

“Honey!” he replied.

Jenna Bush Hager and Henry Hager
Jenna Bush Hager and her husband Henry Hager subsequently with Jenna & Friends on March 27th.Dana Samuel / Today

Outside of her first kiss, the couple told other stories from the time when she agreed, like the time when Henry accidentally pushed into a intelligence car when he walked Jenna after her second date.

“So I came to pick them up in her parents’ house,” started Henry.

“This is also the white house,” jenna mixed in and smiled in the room.

“We picked them up and at the time they had secret service details,” he said. “So I drive an old bronco and the gas knife didn’t work anymore, so I didn’t know how full the tank was.”

“I come to a huge intersection with a traffic light and it is a main time because we will eat dinner and I realized that my truck no longer has a gasoline,” he continued.

Henry explained that he noticed a petrol station on the other side of the street. When the light became green, “he peeled hard” and “blocked three lanes in the opposite direction” to create it on the other side.

His car “only moved to the petrol station” when the gasoline went out, whereby his truck rolled into the Secret Service car directly behind him.

“I hit the emergency brake and just made a small bumper in the back,” he said. “No taxpayers were spent (to repair the car), but we blocked a lot of traffic.”

“That was hectic. I have never had this experience before,” he added. “Now I know what to do.”

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