Where is Casey Anthony now? 15 years after the exemption in her life in her life

In July 2008, 2-year-old Caylee Anthony was reported to be missing by her grandparents. Three months later, her mother was charged with her murder.

The trial of Casey Anthony was one of the most widespread criminal proceedings in history. According to Nielsen Research, an estimated 40 million Americans have adjusted to the procedure – and almost 100 million people around the world watched, as the judgment was announced according to which was announced New York Post.

Although the jury found that Casey was not guilty of murder, she found it guilty of providing the authorities incorrect information. The Florida mother received a four-year prison sentence in July 2011 and was released shortly afterwards.

Casey has remained out of the public since her acquittal. She gave her first television interview in the 2022 Peacock Docuseries Casey Anthony: Where the truth lies And accused her father for Caylee’s death.

Over a year later, George Anthony and Cindy Anthony Polygraphent tests made their participation in the death of their granddaughter in an A& -and Lifetime special.

Casey reappeared in March 2025 when she published her first TikTok. In the three -minute video, she described herself as a researcher and lawyer and said her goal was to reintroduce herself.

“I think it is necessary if I will continue to act as a lawyer that I will commit myself for myself and also support myself for my daughter,” said Casey in the video. “My goal is to continue to give people a voice and to give people tools and resources they can use.”

She also promoted her substance and said she wanted to communicate with her supporters via e -mail about her legal work.

So where is Casey Anthony now? Here is everything you need to know about your life today.

Who is Casey Anthony?

Casey Anthony in court.

Casey Marie Anthony was born on March 19, 1986. She lived in Orlando, Florida. With her parents George Anthony and Cindy Anthony when her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony was reported as missing in 2008.

According to the authorities, Casey left the family’s house on June 16, 2008 with Caylee and did not return for 31 days. After learning that Casey’s car had been confiscated, George went to get the car where he discovered a strong smell from the trunk.

On July 15, 2008, Cindy called 911 and said she hadn’t seen Caylee for 30 days. She also claimed that Casey’s car smelled after a body in the body.

At that time, Casey claimed that she hadn’t seen Caylee in a month and that a babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez may have kidnapped her.

What was Casey Anthony arrested for?

Casey Anthony in court.

After Casey lied to the police through her place of employment, he was arrested and charged with neglecting children, made false official statements and hindered an investigation on July 16, 2008, a day after her mother had missed Caylee.

Later on July 22, she was declared a “person of interest” in Caylee’s disappearance and charged in October due to the first degree murder. Later this year, on December 11th, Caylees Skelett remains were found in a forest area near the Anthony family.

What was Casey Anthony’s sentence?

George and Casey Anthony.
Peter Kramer/NBC/Getty Images; Joe Burank/Orlando Sentinel/Mct/Getty Images

Years later, on May 24, 2011, Casey’s process began in Orlando, Florida, in her opening declaration by lawyer Jose Baez that he claimed that Caylee had drowned in the family swimming pool and George tried to cover up the accident. He also claimed that George Casey molested as a child and prompted her to develop a habit.

After about two months, final arguments were presented on July 3, 2011. Two days later, the jury achieved a judgment. Casey was not found guilty due to the first degree murder, severe child abuse and severe manslaughter of a child. However, she was found guilty for four offenses for providing false information for a law enforcement officer.

When was Casey Anthony released from prison?

Casey Anthony and her lawyer Jose Baez.

On July 7, 2011, Casey received a four-year prison sentence and a fine of $ 4,000 for the four charges of the police. Shortly afterwards she was released from prison on July 17th.

Casey was released so quickly after her conviction, only 10 days later because she had accumulated more than 1000 times that had been imprisoned since her arrest in 2008, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Where is Casey Anthony now?

Casey Anthony.

In March 2017, Casey gave her first interview to the Associated Press since the trial. In a series of articles, she admitted that she had lied to the police and spoke about the perception of the public.

“Based on what was in the media, I understand the reasons why people feel about me. I understand why people have opinions they do,” she said.

In December 2020, Casey submitted papers to found their own private investigative business in South Florida. While her family told the media that she had formed the business to examine Caylee’s death, a source said that this was not true.

“This is a closed chapter in her life,” said the source. “She does not attack a company to get answers to Caylee.”

On November 29, 2022, Casey told her side of history in Peacocks Docuseries Casey Anthony: Where the truth liesthat marked their first television interview. In the three-part Docuseries, she blamed several bombing bowls, including the fault that she blames her father for Caylee’s death.

“He stood there with her,” she recalled in the documents. “She played wet. He gave me. He said it was my fault. I caused it. But he didn’t hurt himself to call 911 and he didn’t try to revive her. I collapsed with her in my arms. She was heavy and she was cold.”

In January 2024, George and Cindy performed in a real reality show in A&E, in which both Lie detector tests had undertaken in front of the camera while talking the tragic death of their granddaughter in 2008. In a clip, George denied that in the six months he knew the authorities after his missing 2-year-old granddaughter that Caylee’s whereabouts were looking for in the six months.

In another clip, Cindy said she believed her daughter “100%” knows what happened to Caylee.

“And I always hoped for the hope that she would confess,” she continued moments before she had a panic attack. “And that is the only reason why I got through her whole drama and everything.”

In 2025 Casey published her first Tikkok to advertise her new Substack page, which is dedicated to her work as a lawyer. It has been active on this platform since February 2025.

“People are not only aware of their rights, but also not even know that they will give them away so freely without consent,” Casey wrote in a post. “Do you know who you would call today if something catastrophic has happened in your life or in the life of someone you take care of?”

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