Where to find the giant tortoise

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The giant turtle inside Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 is charming, rewards a wealth of loot, and is also just a pretty cool place to get off the Battle Bus. While this centuries-old turtle doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon, it’s still a landmark that battle royale players should definitely check out as of late Fortnite Season.


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Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 brings a new cute friend along for the ride in its Japanese aesthetic, and the Great Turtle is a hidden landmark that some players may not know about, but all who find this place of peace won’t leave want, unless it’s so to get that nice dub.

Giant Tortoise location in Fortnite

The giant turtle inside Fortnite can be found between Whiffy Wharf and Flooded Frogs Once the players head south. The giant tortoise is somewhat hidden in the forest, but the image above shows the exact location where players can find this magnificent beast. When it comes to climbing the Great Turtle, players can simply jump onto its shell. At the top of the turtle’s shell is a plethora of chests, usually an elemental chest that may contain a Blessing and a Typhoon Blade.

There is also a launch pad at the top of the turtle shell so players can glide away in case of danger. If players are at all worried about the Giant Tortoise dying, they need not worry as the Tortoise is immune to storm damage and bullet damage.

There is also a secret NPC who often wanders to the giant turtle and sells the Oni Shotgun (rare) for 200 gold, and to those who have completed the Shotgun Expertise he sells the Oni Shotgun (legendary). Players can also ask him about the Great Turtle and a Sea Dragon, perhaps hinting at Godzilla’s eventual arrival on the island. Hopefully Godzilla doesn’t turn the giant turtle into turtle soup.


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