Why does Trump call JFK? Note: Russia

“Let us get out of the defense measurement before it is too late … be brave, Jack.”

Less than two years before his attack in November 1963, US President John F. Kennedy (JFK) received this letter from filmmaker Rod Serling, who is primarily known as the creator of the popular television series The twilight zone. The sharpness of this postal script in a letter dated March 26, 1962 must be examined today after the last publication of another tranche of the ‘JFK files’.

President Donald Trump kept his promise and made more than 2000 documents on the public murder on March 16. While experts still analyze more than 64,000 pages of the shared JFK files, speculation, conspiracy theories, shock and awe from the president’s murder have come back in full strength.

Who tells the conspiracy theorists?

Has the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) murdered JFK to continue your Vietnam experiment? Did Assassin Lee Harvey Oswald work together with the Soviet Union to eliminate the US President who ran the extra parts to push for disarmament at the peak of the Cold War? Has the mafia, especially the Chicago Mob, order the goal? Has the ambitious Vice President of JFK, Lyndon Johnson, eliminated his boss? None of these questions have so far been answered to satisfy the respondents. However, this is the nature of conspiracy theories. Nothing takes into account the fears of the conspiracy theorists, and no document can refute what you already believe.

So what is the purpose of publishing documents that ultimately unveiled more than 400 social security numbers and other personal details of the political, military and congress staff?

CIA, the Mover-and-Shaker

The documents largely show the interior of the CIA and offer a decisive historical context for events of the Cold War. Details include the active foundations in Neu -Delhi and Kolkata, the contamination of Cuban sugar dispatch to the Soviet Union, the destabilizing efforts to promote enemy governments, and much more. The CIA Spycraft is for everyone that all lessons can see and hand over.

Instead of establishing the CIA as the villain who decreased a beloved president, the current tranche drills the agency’s image as a global mover-and-shaker. The adjutant of JFK, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., expressed its differences in the autonomy and power of the CIA in 1961 and explained that the agency had “many of the characteristics of a state within a state”. The CIA remains one of the most influential weapons in the US armor.

The time of this revelation is interesting. At a moment when the uninhibited political measures of the Trump government – domestic and international – are feared, condemned or defended, an exhibition of the US skills is useful. And brings JFK back to the political arena. Despite the skepticism of historians towards JFK’s politics and character, his public image of perfection has so far suffered. JFK remains the Usher of what Jackie Kennedy “Camelot”, the Arthurian Idyll, in which US story called. It is not the first time that Trump has based on JFK to get the validation from the US public. In 2016 he attacked his Republican and rival Ted Cruz, for reasons for the alleged participation of the father of the latter in JFK murder.

Trump could use help

But let’s return to Rod Serlings advice to JFK. Written before the Cuban rocket crisis, when, according to the Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev, “the two most powerful nations had been joked against each other, each with his finger on the button”, Serling letter contained a Pat-on-the-the-the-back for JfK for his nuclear disturbing. JFK had been fought for the nuclear disarmament since 1956 and made it a problem during his command of the President. Shortly before and during the JFK’s presidency, the Soviet Union and the United States have exposed nuclear tests between November 1958 and September 1961.

Trump’s self -fashion as a peacock that stops wars needs JFKS blessing. Trump keeps JFK alive in public image and can rely on the precedent that is set by JFK to bring Russia to the contract for the contract for the nuclear test. Interestingly, JFK was put as a “weak” castigment in front of his Soviet countermarters Khrushchev when the two met in Vienna in June 1961, immediately after the invasion sponsored by the CIA in Cuba in the bay of pigs.

When the Soviet’s nuclear tests recorded again, JFK asked them “not to arm arming, but to a peace race”. Unfortunately, all diplomatic efforts failed, and the United States started nuclear tests exactly one month after Serling JFK was supposed to be “brave” in his letter. The Cuban crisis developed less than six months later in October 1962.

Image production

Now that the Trump government is rewarded with Russia in favor of peace and appoints JFK’s memory in its favor. Just one month before his murder, JFK signed the contract on the limited nuclear test contract on October 7, 1963. He had spent over the past two months of convincing the American public and a divided Senate of the need to fight nuclear power.

Trump’s act of the declassification of the JFK files allegedly in order to bring the truth of the murder of JFK to the light can therefore be seen as more selfish. Like JFK, Trump understands the power of the image amount.

(The author is an author and academic based in Delhi.)

Disclaimer: These are the author’s personal opinions

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