Cécile Boko
Who is better than you motivate yourself to realize your dreams? This is the question that the billion dollar Hollywood producer wants to encourage Packer to answer in his new book. Who better than you? The art of healthy arrogance and dreaming. With his book, Packer created the success toolkit that he wanted from which he had started in the entertainment business. Helpful for everyone who is just starting or is ready to achieve a large transition, but there are no great career opportunities or existing examples of people who have succeeded before you.
One thing that packers knows is how you are consistently successful. From cash blows like Girl trip To Ride To Directly from ComptonHis films burned more than 1 billion US dollars, which highlights him in Hollywood. Apart from the commercial success, Packer attributes his strong relationships of his whole life as a way to promote him, like his beloved brotherhood Alpha Phi Alpha, lifelong friends that he has won at his Alma Mater Famu and invaluable industry connections.

By using powerful and revealing stories from the Front Line of Hollywood to offer a clear vision of how you can manifest your success, Packers book enables us to dream without any problems and to believe that our wildest goals can come true. According to Packer, several deadly sure options begin to ensure that success begins here:
Be arrogant! The highest people have “healthy arrogance”, which is not only in themselves and their skills, but also in their predetermined success.
Convince people, their goals are essential. It is crucial to assure others that their success will benefit both of them and them.
The work that you do when nobody observes allows everyone to be careful later. No one deserves it to realize their wildest dreams than them. But it will never happen until you act accordingly in every aspect of your life.
We talked to Packer about how we can all produce our own Blockbuster Successful life – (hint) It begins with the assumption that it is no value than you.
Essence: Why did you decide to write this book?
Will Packer: In certain cases, I realized that my experiences had taught me how to increase a skills that works in a variety of industries, regardless of it in your career. Shortly after the college, I found that there were lessons that apply, and there are features that successful people have regardless of their industry that I wanted to share, which was the impetus behind the letter.
And what are some of the most important lessons that you have learned on your trip to success?
Healthy arrogance is a term that makes some people uncomfortable. Many successful people are quiet internally about their self -confidence, right? It’s just about going into a room and screaming from the top of their lungs how great they are, how Hollywood does a lot of it. I don’t talk about that. I speak of an internal feeling that you should be successful and earn success.
This idea of arrogance, regardless of whether you are a screaming extrovert or someone who really does not like to be with people, is the point you need to understand is that your success is in you. Do not give your power to someone else, no matter who he is, regardless of the title, what role or which resources he has or has control.
Your dream is not over until you say it is over, so don’t give it to someone else. Be confident, internally confident, extremely confident that success belongs to you. You deserve it; Even if you don’t have it today, that’s okay. That means they shouldn’t have it today. Tomorrow is a new day; The day after is different. Dreaming Big is a large part because it is difficult to be successful. So you need a dream that is so big that it is worth it when you go into these challenging moments.
You have to choose something you are ready to put everything in a line, and if you are not ready to do everything you have to do to get there, it is probably not big enough. We don’t dream big enough because we don’t keep it realistic, but you have to be a little crazy, a little crazy to be someone who will be successful because it needs that.
Sometimes you have to encourage yourself in the swing. Sometimes you have to tempt you to understand that you are on the right track. You cannot get stuck on the first rung and try to get started. Start with smaller ones instead of developing high goals to achieve.
Some of us have a vision for our lives, but due to fear, trauma or self -doubt, self -determination is missing. How can we break out of it to go forward? In the book, her mentor suggests climbing the mountain to be successful.
Do not be paralyzed by preparation. I meant that by climbing the mountain. There are so many of us that have preparation paralysis. You have to start somewhere. You have to start climbing because you will spend all your energy, time and many years of your life to climb the mountain, but not to do.
You should be prepared, but do not be paralyzed by the preparation. This often happens with people who are afraid to take this step to start something new or scary. The other thing is to ensure that you put the right energy in the possibility of success. I have always said that the fear of failure fades compared to the possibility of success. The worst thing that could happen is that you fail, fall on your face and do it before everyone. But what if you don’t do it? What if we spend more time and energy to think about winning?
You know that it is the love month and we know that you met your wife at the Essence Festival and married you in 2015, 15 years ago. How do you keep your marriage strong but fresh?
It is a balance between partnership, friendship and a fantastic love story for us. I say in the book that my wife is the most amazing business decision I have ever made.
How do all kinds of relationships introduce success? You talk about it in detail in the book.
I am a proud Alpha brother. The relationships that we promote and the networks we build are of essential importance for our success. You can’t do it alone. You need a network of people. You must not be the most successful person in your circle, and if you are the smartest, most ambitious and most successful person in your circle, you need a different circle because your circle does not urge you.
You can buy Who better than you? The art of healthy arrogance and dreaming on February 18.